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Titel: Warlord Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Elizabeth Vaughan
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"Greetings, Warrior." He spoke the words slowly and carefully. In a blink, Amyu's entire posture changed. Wooden-faced and stiff, she inclined her head and left the tent. I would have followed her, to ask how I offended, but Heath had all my attention. He pulled me toward the stools and table. "Lara, there isn't much time. We must talk." I was so full of questions, I didn't know where to start. "Why are you here? What is happening in Water's Fall? How are Anna and Othur? And Eln?"
    Heath shook his head, his own brown curls dancing. "Calm down, little bird! Let me get a word in edgewise!"
    I laughed. We'd looked so alike as children, there'd been those that thought I was his sister, and daughter of Anna and Othur. But now his brown eyes regarded me seriously as he continued in Xyian. "But we'll speak this tongue." I gave him a questioning look, and he shrugged. "The Warlord thinks it wise." Keir. He'd spoken to Keir! I sat up straight, and opened my mouth with a dozen more questions, but Amyu entered at that point, bearing kavage and a small bowl of gurt.
    I accepted a mug, but Heath waved it away. "How can you drink that stuff, Lara?" Heath gave a mock shudder. "It's so bitter, and one mug sets my hands trembling."
    "I've grown to enjoy it." I took a sip as Amyu left. Heath's gaze followed her as she left the tent.
    "All was well when I left Water's Fall," Heath spoke softly. "There wasn't much time for farewells or letters, Lara. A messenger came, one of those fearsome looking warrior-priests, who walked in during a Council session in the throne room." Heath rolled his eyes. "The ladies of the Court fainted dead away at the sight.
    "The warrior-priest brandished a spear and demanded that Atira go to the Heart of the Plains and appear before the Council to speak her truths." Heath's face grew grim. "Simus agreed, but once the messenger left, Simus told us that something was wrong. He swore Atira would not ride alone. We'd barely enough time to gather weapons and gear before we were on our way." He grimaced slightly. "I've never ridden that far, that fast before. We rode as if mountain demons were on our tails, changing horses every hour, or so it seemed. I suspect my body will feel it for days to come." He shifted a bit on the stool. "Mother and Father would have sent letters, but there wasn't time." He grinned. "Mother has taken the baby to her breast, and is cooing and clucking like a hen. It was a good idea to send Meara to her, Lara. The babe has filled her arms and her heart." Heath rolled his eyes. "But you should have heard her shriek when she saw the babe's tattoo."
    I grinned, remembering my reaction. "Stain. They stain the babies."
    "Stain," Heath corrected himself.
    "Good." I was glad the babe from Wellspring was in Anna's hands. "But, Heath, I understand Simus's coming," I replied, "but why did you come?"
    There was a touch of red on his cheeks. "I told Warren that we needed a representative of Xy with Simus. He wasn't happy, but had no time to argue."
    I gave him a hard look, but he avoided my eyes. "When we reached the border, Simus and Atira started that weird warbling cry. It wasn't long before we found Keir and his men." Heath corrected himself. "His warriors. The Warlord was furious, having just received news of the attack on you." Heath reached out for a handful of gurt. "More horses and we were off again, riding hard. We arrived, exhausted and weary, only to have the Council summon Keir to appear before his feet even touched the ground."
    "You were there?" I leaned forward.
    "Oh, yes. I followed everyone into the tent. That huge tent was crowded, filled with people." Heath popped some gurt in his mouth and started to chew. "The Warlord, Simus as his Second." Heath grimaced. "Atira and Joden. And the one called Iften. They were all there." He popped another piece of gurt in his mouth.
    "How can you eat that stuff? I've tried and I still can't stomach it," I said, more to distract myself than because I wanted to know. Was I the only one that was not at these sessions? What purpose did that serve?
    Heath gave me a surprised look. "It's good!" I crinkled my nose, and he chuckled. "I guess I got used to it on the journey here."
    "So, what happened in the senel?" I asked.
    "Well, it was all in their tongue, Lara, so I understood only a word here and there. They were talking so fast, practically spitting their words at each other. I kept expecting them to come to blows more than once." He shook his head

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