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Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

Warriors of Poseidon 06 - Atlantis Betrayed

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hopeless people. I’m not going to let these thieves destroy that by portraying me as a murderer.”
    “We’ll help ,” Christophe said.
    “If it doesn’t interfere with our retrieval of the Siren. That is our clear priority,” Alaric said.
    Christophe slowly shook his head. “My priorities seem to have shifted. I will retrieve the Siren, but I will also help Fiona clear her name. I hope you’ll all help me, but I’m doing this no matter what your decision.”
    “We cannot let you have the Siren, Fiona,” Conlan said. “Your English queen only had the gem on loan, whether or not she knew it. The gem has waited more than eleven thousand years to return to us, and so it shall.”
    “I understand,” she said hastily. “I wouldn’t do anything that might harm you or Atlantis. Anyway, the diamond Christophe gave me will certainly fund my programs for more than a year.”
    “The diamond?” Conlan’s face was twitching, as if he was trying not to laugh. “You gave her a diamond?”
    “It was mine to give,” Christophe muttered.
    “Oh, my friend. It’s going to be an interesting journey for you.” Conlan lost the battle with himself and started laughing.
    “It won’t be easy,” Christophe warned her, ignoring his prince.
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    “I hate to sound like a walking cliché, but nothing worthwhile ever is,” she replied.
    “Then we’re done here,” Conlan said, rising. “Riley and I have a baby to feed. Christophe, why don’t you show our guest some of Atlantis before you have to return?”
    “Just what I was thinking,” Christophe said.
    “Thank you. All of you,” Fiona told them. “It’s good to feel like I finally have allies.”
    “Oh, the more the merrier, certainly,” Alaric said darkly. “Will there be more diapers? I love diapers.”
    Riley burst out laughing. “Ignore him. He gets a little moody sometimes.”
    As they all filed out of the room, Christophe pulled Fiona to him for a hug. “It’s all going to work out.”
    She looked into his lovely green eyes and smiled. “I know. After all, what could defeat a team made up of an Atlantean warrior and a Scottish ninja?”

Chapter 26
    Christophe watched Fiona as she wandered through the palace and the grounds, exclaiming over and over in wonder like a child. His facial muscles felt strained from the unfamiliar smiles. Everything held for her the joy of discovery, from the tapestries on the walls to the throne room to the kitchens. Even the taste of her first Atlantean blushberries, which she savored so sensuously that it made his cock harden in his pants.
    He could tell by the way her eyes flew open and her cheeks turned pink that she remembered exactly where she’d heard the fruit’s name before.
    “Oh! You said—”
    “Yes, I said,” he agreed, stalking her around one of the smaller garden fountains. “I’d like to say it again.
    Would you like to make love in Atlantis?”
    “Here?” She looked around, almost as if she were considering it, but then she shook her head. “No, of course not. What if someone came along and saw us?”
    “They’d be jealous?”
    Her lips curved. “Funny, but no.”
    “I was thinking my rooms, Princess.”
    “Don’t call me that. There are too many princesses in our lives. Riley and now Maeve. It’s just odd.”
    “Neither of them are my princess.” He pulled her in for a long, deep kiss and only released her when they were both breathless. “My rooms?”
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    “Your rooms.”
    They didn’t run, as much as he would have liked to, but walked at a barely more than normal rate of speed up the staircase and through the hallways of the palace, until they came to the warriors’ wing and threw open the door to Christophe’s suite of rooms.
    “What do you think?” He figured it wouldn’t be very impressive to her. After all, she lived in a mansion, and he only had a few rooms. But they were pretty nice rooms, after all. He did live in a palace. The view from the balcony was stupendous.
    She ran across the room and opened the glass-and-crystal-paned doors. “Oh, Christophe. This is absolutely magnificent.”
    He followed more slowly, enjoying the view of her lovely round bottom as she bent over the waist-high barrier and looked down. “The gardens are lovely from here, too. What a wonderful place to live. You are so lucky.”
    He fitted his body against hers

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