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Web Design Bibliography

Web Design Bibliography

Titel: Web Design Bibliography Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Safari Books Online Content Team
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users’ perspective. It zeroes in on essential elements to consider when planning a product, such as its functionality and responsiveness, whether or not it is ergonomic, making it foolproof, and more.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/11LUVzu )
    Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems
    By Steve Krug
    New Riders, December 2009
    ISBN: 9780321702821
    168 pages, $35.00

    It’s been known for years that usability testing can dramatically improve products. But with a typical price tag of $5,000 to $10,000 for a usability consultant to conduct each round of tests, it rarely happens. In this book, Steve Krug spells out an approach to usability testing that anyone can easily apply to their own web site, application, or other product. By paring the process of testing and fixing products down to its essentials, this book makes it realistic for teams to test early and often, catching problems while it’s still easy to fix them.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/16FpZBU )
    Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design
    By Giles Colborne
    New Riders, September 2010
    ISBN: 9780321714138
    208 pages, $34.99

    In a complex world, products that are easy to use win favor with consumers. This is the first book on the topic of simplicity aimed specifically at interaction designers. It shows how to drill down and simplify user experiences when designing digital tools and applications. It explains why simplicity is attractive, explores the laws of simplicity, and presents proven strategies for achieving it.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/11LV85K )
    Designing the Obvious: A Common Sense Approach to Web and Mobile Application Design, Second Edition
    By Robert Hoekman Jr.
    New Riders, November 2010
    ISBN: 9780132490474
    304 pages, $39.99

    This book belongs in the toolbox of every person charged with the design and development of Web-based software, from the CEO to the programming team. It explores the character traits of great Web applications and uses them as guiding principles of application design so the end result of every project instills customer satisfaction and loyalty. These principles include building only what’s necessary, getting users up to speed quickly, preventing and handling errors, and designing for the activity.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/13v3WHN )
    Distinctive Design: A Practical Guide to a Useful, Beautiful Web
    By Alexander Dawson
    John Wiley & Sons, August 2011
    ISBN: 9781119993063
    428 pages, $39.99

    One of the web designer’s greatest challenges is to create a site distinctive enough to get noticed among the millions of sites already on the web. This book examines the bond between code, content and visuals to guide you through the factors that increase your design’s visibility, usability and beauty. Using this practical advice, even web designers who lack strong artistic skills can develop super sites that strengthen the message and stand out from the crowd.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/YPYwZE )
    Eyetracking Web Usability
    By Jakob Nielsen, Kara Pernice
    New Riders, December 2009
    ISBN: 9780321549730
    456 pages, $59.99

    This is based on one of the largest studies of eyetracking usability in existence. The authors used rigorous usability methodology and eyetracking technology to analyze 1.5 million instances where users look at Web sites to understand how the human eyes interact with design. Their findings will help designers, software developers, writers, editors, product managers, and advertisers understand what people see or don’t see, when they look, and why. With their comprehensive three-year study, the authors discovered important new user behaviors that are revealed here for the first time. Using compelling eye gaze plots and heat maps, this book guides the reader through hundreds of examples of eye movements, demonstrating why some designs work and others don’t. They also provide valuable advice for page layout, navigation menus, site elements, image selection, and advertising. This book is essential reading for anyone who is serious about doing business on the Web.
    Read it on Safari Books Online ( http://bit.ly/10E7NAt )
    Designing with Progressive Enhancement: Building the Web that Works for Everyone
    By Todd Parker, Patty Toland, Scott Jehl, Maggie Costello Wachs
    New Riders, February 2010
    ISBN: 9780321659477
    456 pages, $44.99


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