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White Space Season 1

White Space Season 1

Titel: White Space Season 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Platt + Wright
Vom Netzwerk:
desk, and to the rear of the library where some people were sitting at long tables, studying or doing work.
    Liz was surprised to see only one person on a computer, an older man who seemed focused on his work. She looked around, didn’t see anyone in the immediate area, and took a seat on the opposite side of the table. Liz was relieved to see privacy screens on the computers. She’d be able to work in relative privacy, assuming someone didn’t come right up behind her or sit too close. The security camera above her was at such an angle that she didn’t think it could see what was on the computer.
    She looked around the library again, seeing familiar faces, but so far, none had noticed her … yet.
    She reached into her purse, retrieved the flash drive, then slid it into the USB port on the front of the PC. After a moment, a folder icon popped up on the screen. She opened it.
    Inside the folder there were more than 100 other folders, all with names and dates stretching back at least three years. A chill ran through her when considering that Roger had been up to something so secretive for three years.
    What the hell? Three years?
    She clicked on the first folder in the series, the earliest created and almost three years to the day. The folder prompted a password.
    She didn’t have time to guess at passwords, nor did she want to enter the wrong password and trigger any sort of auto delete procedure, though she wasn’t even sure if that was possible or just something from the movies.
    She closed the password prompt and clicked on another folder, then another, each one asking for a password.
    She kept going down the list, and started jumping around, skipping folders, clicking at random and hoping one would be unprotected.
    A woman sat down two computers to the left of Liz, an older woman she didn’t recognize.
    Liz edged herself closer to the computer screen, leaning a bit to her side to block the woman’s view without being too obvious, also trying to hide her face, considering it was all over the news. But as Liz leaned one way, Nancy passed by to her right, carrying a book toward the back of the library while glancing over at Liz suspiciously.
    Liz turned her attention back to the computer, hoping Nancy wouldn’t come over. Nancy kept walking, but not without glancing back a few times. Liz wondered if the library had a way of recording what she was doing on the computer or the contents of the flash drive.
    Liz watched as Nancy put the book on a shelf and then walked back to the front of the library and returned to her station.
    Liz kept searching for an unprotected folder. Not having any luck, she decided to just click on the final folder, with a date of last Tuesday. She was surprised when it opened.
    Inside the folder was a video file named “c-7913.mp4.”
    She looked around to make sure nobody was paying attention, then pressed play.
    The screen was black at first, and for a moment, Liz wondered if the video wasn’t working. She heard a loud shuffling sound, then reached out and turned the volume down on the speakers, looking around again. The woman to her left looked at her, then back at her computer.
    As Liz turned back to the screen, she saw the reason the screen was dark, the video was being recorded in the woods.
    What the?
    She heard Roger’s voice, “Just inside this cave,” he said.
    The only caves she knew of on the island were on the north end, fenced off.
    She kept watching, wondering what Roger was doing on the north side, and even more so, what he was doing in caves.
    The screen went pitch black again for a moment, and then Liz was staring at the inside of the cave, lit by either camera flash or flashlight.
    “Just ahead,” Roger whispered, as he navigated his way through a tunnel until he reached an opening.
    “There they are,” he said, aiming the camera into the darkness. He must’ve realized he was too far away for the camera to capture the light. The screen went black again. When the picture returned, it was bright again and showed two nude bodies face down in the dirt. They looked like men, though one might have been a woman.
    Her heart sped up as she looked around, praying no one had seen the screen. Nancy was staring at her from her station. Beside Nancy was a Paladin security guard. Nancy pointed at Liz and the guard looked over.
    Oh shit.
    Liz started to panic as the guard approached her. He was about 30 yards away.
    Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.

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