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White Space Season 1

White Space Season 1

Titel: White Space Season 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Platt + Wright
Vom Netzwerk:
think what he might do, and was stunned to find that she had no idea. As close as she’d felt to him, she didn’t really know what he would do in a situation like this. This only served as a reminder of the distance growing between the family members during the past year or so. She didn’t really know Roger.
    And perhaps she didn’t really know Alex.
    She watched the replay of Brady’s press conference, again, noticing how the two Paladin officials stood behind him the entire time, as though they were running the show rather than him. Liz wasn’t sure why, but she didn’t trust Paladin at all. From their ever-increasing heavy handedness to their closed circuit cameras everywhere, to the way they tore through her house, as if looking for something in particular — like perhaps a flash drive — she was becoming increasingly wary of them. And also the man outside her house.
    If Brady is in their pocket, maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t tell him about the flash drive.
    She couldn’t trust Paladin or Brady. Not until she knew what was on the disk.
    Brady spoke again, “We’d like to thank private investigator Brock Houser for his help on this case. Mr. Houser, of Houser Investigations in California, was instrumental in this happy ending. And thank you Mr. Jon Conway for bringing Mr. Houser here and footing the bill. And I would like to thank Paladin Security for working in conjunction with the Hamilton Island Police Department to locate the missing child.”
    Jon Conway?
    Why would he pay for a private investigator, especially when his family had untold billions and an entire armed security force to scour the island for the girl?
    Liz watched as Mr. Houser took the mic and thanked the police, Paladin, and the public for their help, then handed the mic back. Humble, not seeking the spotlight, like so many of these investigators Liz had seen on the news in recent years, trying to insert themselves — and their company logos — into news coverage of every tragedy they could.
    There was something about Houser that Liz implicitly trusted.
    Liz turned from the TV, the shadow of a smile twitching on her lips, then left the room with an idea.

    * * * *

CHAPTER 7 — Alex Heller


    Alex woke to the sound of whispers around him, as if others had found Katie and him in the cave as they slept. He felt vulnerable and naked, with God knows what standing above him.
    He tried to open his eyes so he could see who was in the cave with them, but he couldn’t. Nor could he move.
    Alex was paralyzed.
    Panic and fear coursed through his body, as he struggled to regain control of his movement.
    What’s happening? Why can’t I wake up?
    Am I dead? Am I in a coma?
    Who else is in here? Where is Katie?
    The whispers grew louder without getting louder at all, as though they weren’t raising their voices, but rather their number.
    Yet, Alex couldn’t make out a single syllable of what they were saying. The whispers sounded almost like a swarm, though Alex had no idea how large the swarm might be.
    Was it the police? Or perhaps Paladin guards? And why couldn’t he wake up?
    Alex wondered if perhaps he’d been stung by something poisonous, maybe a dangerous insect living in the cave.
    Alex suddenly realized he wasn’t just immobilized, he was also entirely numb. He couldn’t feel a thing. Not the cool of the cave, the wind breathing through the entrance, or the sand and rock covered ground below.
    Oh God, I’m paralyzed, or poisoned.
    Why can’t I understand what they’re saying?
    I hope they don’t think I’m dead.
    Hey! Help me! I’m alive!
    There was no help.
    The whispers grew louder, as if multiplying in tens by the second, until the entire cave was echoing in a cacophony of whispers.
    I must be dreaming. I must be dreaming.
    Wake up, Alex. Wake up!
    Suddenly, Alex felt a warm glow over his ribs, where he’d been repeatedly kicked.
    What the fuck is that?
    The warmth spread like liquid fire, or … internal bleeding.
    Oh God, what the hell is happening?
    Whispers turned to hum. Not one, but countless coalescing into one, growing louder, a few decibels from deafening until they faded into silence, save for the low howl of the wind.
    Alex opened his eyes to the darkness, totally alone and naked on the floor of the cave. The white glow of the moon illuminated just enough of his surroundings to see that he was alone.
    “Katie?” he said. But there was no sound other than the night.

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