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White Space Season 1

White Space Season 1

Titel: White Space Season 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Platt + Wright
Vom Netzwerk:
stuff they barely paid attention to. He was always soft-spoken and kind, with a decent rapport with the kids that didn’t have him sounding like a horribly out-of-touch old fogey, like the former chief. In all the confusion and chaos, Brady broadcasted a calm, cool sense of security. Liz thought him kind, but more importantly, she found him easy to trust, and believed he had a chance to gain control of the most tense situation the island had ever seen
    Liz opened her mouth, about to tell him everything — the list she found, the flash drive, and what she’d seen on the video.
    Brady’s radio beeped to life again.
    “Chief, I need you to get back to the station. Whistler just hung himself.”
    “Jesus Christ!” Brady said. “Is he …?”
    “Yeah,” the officer said. “He’s dead.”
    Brady closed his eyes as if this was the absolute last thing he needed to hear right now.
    “Larry Whistler? At the church?” Liz asked. “What’s he doing in jail?”
    “You didn’t see the news?” The chief looked shocked. “About the missing girl? Emma Hughes? Daughter of Sarah?”
    “Oh my God,” Liz said. “No! What happened?”
    “Emma was staying with her grandmother and sister after Sarah died. Last night, she went missing. We arrested a suspect, Larry Whistler, and detained him, but still no word on where the girl is.”
    “Oh God,” Liz said. Sarah had brought her daughter to work several times over the years, and Liz always loved talking with her. The girl was so sweet. To think she was missing, and that Roger might be indirectly responsible, felt like another bullet to her conscience.
    “I need to get back,” Brady said, not even waiting for Liz to respond.
    Liz went back inside, and picked up her phone, to call Alex, praying he’d answer.


    8:16 p.m.

    Liz wore out the carpet in front of the television, pacing back and forth, as the TV replayed the press conference from earlier, where Chief Brady discussed finding Emma Hughes. While Liz was relieved the girl was found safe, she wondered when in the hell Alex would come home.
    She wanted to go out looking for him, but couldn’t leave Aubrey, who was upstairs sleeping, alone. Nor did she have anyone to babysit. She was a prisoner in her home, forced to wait for Alex or Katie to return one of her calls or finally come home. If she didn’t hear from him soon, she might have to wake Aubrey up and head out to look. But what hope would she have in finding her son, if the police couldn’t? And what if she ran into some of the angry island residents who wished her harm?
    She had to protect her daughter at all costs.
    Maybe, she decided, she’d ask the Paladin guard to drive them around. But the last thing she wanted to do was bring attention to the family and have Alex just be out sneaking around with his girlfriend. It would only make things worse, if that were even possible.
    Katie’s mom, Terri, had called Liz two hours ago, asking if she’d heard from the kids. Terri had called Katie’s cell phone and left several messages, and she was worried sick. As they spoke, Liz couldn’t help but feel the layer of ice between them. While Terri hadn’t mentioned the shooting, it laced each sentence and lingered through every silence. Terri then said she was going so she could drive to a few spots where the kids had been known to hang out, and promised Liz she’d call back later.
    As darkness draped itself over the island, Liz grew increasingly convinced that Alex was no longer on Hamilton Island.
    He’d left. Either alive or dead.
    She couldn’t explain it, but she’d always felt a connection to Alex. She could feel when he was in the house, even if she’d not left her bedroom. She oftentimes sensed when he was coming home, just moments before he opened the door, coming in all sweaty from a night playing with his friends. As long as he’d been alive, she felt this connection with him, like some kind of parental supernatural bond or something.
    But now, she wasn’t feeling it. And it scared the hell out of her.
    She tried to put the fear to rest and deal only in the things which she knew. Alex and Katie had gotten into a fight at school. They ran off into the woods after Alex hurt one of the kids. Beyond that, there was no reason for her to think them harmed.
    He’s safe. They’re safe.
    Oh yeah? Then why isn’t he home yet?
    The poor kid must be worried sick that he killed Jake. He’s scared.
    He doesn’t know what to do.
    She tried to

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