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A Hero for Leanda

A Hero for Leanda

Titel: A Hero for Leanda
Autoren: Andrew Garve
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from these beastly papers.”
    Conway said, “We’d be very happy to see you aboard, sir—wouldn’t we, darling?”
    Leanda smiled. “Of course.”
    “Where’s she tied up?” Fletcher asked. “At the jetty ?“
    “Yes, right at the end.”
    “Well, I don’t want to frighten you, but you’ll probably find her full of cockroaches when you get back!”
    “We’re not very easily frightened,” Leanda said.
    “That I can believe,” Hollis said. He glanced across at Fletcher. “Well, I hope you’ll have an enjoyable stay here. It’s a very lovely island and full of historical interest— there’s even a genuine eighteenth-century pirates’ lair, if you like that sort of thing. There’s a splendid view from the peak, too, if you can get someone to take you up.... Grant’s the man for that, isn’t he, Fletcher? He’ll be along here tonight.... Look, I wonder if you’d care to dine with us this evening? ”
    “It’s very kind of you,” Leanda said. “We’d love to.”
    Hollis nodded. “We usually dress, but ...’’ he smiled at Conway , “it doesn’t really matter if the sea chest won’t run to it.”
    “Oh, I dare say we can rustle up something,” Conway said.
    “Good. Then we’ll expect you at seven-thirty. My wife will be delighted.... How are you getting back, by the way?”
    “We’ve a taxi outside.”
    “That’s the idea—you never want to get separated from your transport in this climate. But don’t bother about a taxi tonight—I’ll send my car for you.”
    “That’s extremely good of you,” Conway said. “Good-by, then, sir, till this evening....” Leanda smiled, and Fletcher shepherded them out.
    In the taxi, Conway said, “Well, they managed that very smoothly, didn’t they? First they have us up to give us the once-over and make sure our fingernails are clean. Then they ask us to dinner. Very English!”
    “I thought Sir George was sweet,” Leanda said. “I really hated being such a fraud.”
    Conway grinned. “Watch yourself! You have nice instincts. Don’t let them get the better of you.”
    “You needn’t worry,” Leanda said. “I wont .”

    They were just about changed and ready when the governor’s car rolled up to the quay at a quarter past seven that evening. Conway ’s white jacket was a bit creased but his black tie was impeccable, and Leanda looked charming in a frock of palest yellow organza. Fifteen minutes later they were being shown into Lady Hollis’ drawing room, where the rest of the guests were already assembled and cocktails were being served. The restrained buzz of conversation died away as Lady Hollis, gray-haired and gracious, welcomed the new arrivals and introduced them. Conway , mindful of the need for useful contacts, made a special note of all the names and faces. There was an old gentleman named Rankin, pink and cherubic and mild-mannered, who turned out to be a peer. There was also Lady Rankin. There was a dark, broad-shouldered man who was introduced as Colonel Baker and who turned out, rather disconcertingly, to be the island’s commissioner of police. He, too, had his wife with him. There was a woman named Peabody, wife of a professor whose absence from the party was not accounted for; Grant, a shipping man, whose services in climbing “the Peak” had been offered by the governor, and his wife; and a shy young man named Carruthers, who was apparently engaged in some kind of local fishery research.
    Conway was buttonholed at once by Mrs. Peabody, who said she was sure he must have had a most adventurous voyage across the ocean and proceeded to describe at great length the rough crossing that she and her husband had experienced in the liner that had brought them to Heureuse six weeks before. He was rescued by Mrs. Grant, a plummy contralto, who asked him if he had seen many sharks and drew the young fisheries man into the conversation, while the police commissioner stood by with his head slightly on one side, listening. After a few moments the A.D.C. took Conway off to show him the table arrangements, which were pinned up on a board, and break the news to him that he would be taking Mrs. Peabody in to dinner. Soon afterward, dinner was served, and Conway gave the lady his arm and they all trooped into the dining room as though it were an ark.
    Mrs. Peabody, who was dressed over all in flowered pink silk, turned out to be even more garrulous than Conway had feared. Her husband, it seemed, was an expert on the
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