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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
roaring flames.
    The panic that then swept through the tribesmen left the two slaves virtually ignored, as the Arak rushed to break camp, repack supplies, saddle their horses. Through it all, Karsa heard a single word repeated numerous times, a word filled with fear.
    Silgar appeared as the Arak gathered their horses. His face was filled with fury. 'For that, Torvald Nom, you have just forfeited your life—'
    'You won't make it to Ehrlitan,' the Daru predicted with a hard grin.
    Three tribesmen were approaching, hook-bladed knives in their hands.
    'I will enjoy watching your throat cut,' Silgar said.
    'The Gral have been after these bastards all this time, Slavemaster. Hadn't you realized that? Now, I've never heard of the Gral, but your Arak friends have one and all pissed onto their hearths, and even a Daru like me knows what that means – they don't expect to live through the night, and not one of them wants to spill his bladder when he dies. Seven Cities taboo, I gather—'
    The first Arak reached Torvald, one hand snapping out to take the Daru by the hair, pushing Torvald's head back and lifting the knife.
    The ridgeline behind the Arak was suddenly swarming with dark figures, silently sweeping down into the camp.
    The night was broken by screams.
    The Arak crouched before Torvald snarled and tore the knife across the Daru's throat. Blood spattered the hard clay. Straightening, the tribesman wheeled to run for his horse. He managed not a single step, for a half-dozen shapes came out of the darkness, silent as wraiths. There was a strange whipping sound, and Karsa saw the Arak's head roll from his shoulders. His two companions were both down.
    Silgar was already fleeing. As a figure rose before him, he lashed out. A wave of sorcery struck the attacker, dropped the man to the ground, where he writhed in the grip of crackling magic for a moment, before his flesh exploded.
    Ululating cries pealed through the air. The same whipping sound sang in the darkness from all sides. Horses screamed.
    Karsa dragged his gaze from the scene of slaughter and looked over at Torvald's slumped body. To his amazement, the Daru was still moving, feet kicking furrows in the pebbles, both hands up at his throat.
    Silgar returned to Karsa's position, his lean face gleaming with sweat. Damisk appeared behind him and the slave-master gestured the tattooed guard forward.
    Damisk held a knife. He quickly cut at the bindings holding Karsa to the travois. 'No easy out for you,' he hissed. 'We're leaving. By warren, and we're taking you with us. Silgar's decided to make you his plaything. A lifetime of torture—'
    'Enough babbling!' Silgar snapped. 'They're almost all dead! Hurry!'
    Damisk cut the last rope.
    Karsa laughed, then managed to form words. 'What would you have me do now? Run?'
    Snarling, Silgar moved closer. There was a flare of blue light, then the three of them were plunging into fetid, warm water.
    Unable to swim, the weight of his chains dragging him down, Karsa sank into the midnight depths. He felt a tug on his chains, then saw a second flash of lurid light.
    His head, then his back, struck hard cobbles. Dazed, he rolled onto his side. Silgar and Damisk, both coughing, knelt nearby. They were on a street, flanked on one side by enormous warehouses, and on the other by stone jetties and moored ships. At the moment, there was no-one else in sight.
    Silgar spat, then said, 'Damisk, get those shackles off him – he bears no criminal brand, so the Malazans won't see him as a slave. I won't be arrested again – not after all this. The bastard is ours, but we've got to get him off the street. We've got to hide.'
    Karsa watched Damisk crawl to his side, fumbling with keys. Watched as the Nathii unlocked the shackles on his wrists, then his ankles. A moment later, the pain struck as blood flowed back into near-dead flesh. The Teblor screamed.
    Silgar unleashed magic once more, a wave that descended on the Teblor like a blanket – that he tore off with unthinking ease, his shrieks slicing into the night air, echoing back from nearby buildings, ringing out across the crowded harbour.
    'You there!' Malazan words, a bellow, then the swiftly approaching clash and clatter of armoured soldiers.
    'An escaped slave, sirs!' Silgar said hastily. 'We have – as you can see – just recaptured him—'
    'Escaped slave? Let's see his brand—'
    The last words Karsa registered, as the pain in his hands and feet sent him plummeting

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