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A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2

Titel: A Malazan Book of the Fallen Collection 2 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Steven Erikson
Vom Netzwerk:
    The hand suddenly twitched.
    Disgusted, Kalam released the chain. The arm dropped back to the ground. A faint, subterranean keening sound rose from the base of the pillar.
    Straightening, the assassin returned to his horse.
    Pillars, columns, tree stumps, platforms, staircases leading nowhere, and for every dozen there was one among them holding a prisoner. None of whom seemed capable of dying. Not entirely. Oh, their minds had died – most of them – long ago. Raving in tongues, murmuring senseless incantations, begging forgiveness, offering bargains, though
not one had yet – within Kalam's hearing – proclaimed its own innocence.
    As if mercy could be an issue without it. He nudged his horse forward once more. This was not a realm to his liking. Not that he'd in truth had much choice in the matter. Bargaining with gods was – for the mortal involved – an exercise in self-delusion. Kalam would rather leave Quick Ben to play games with the rulers of this warren – the wizard had the advantage of enjoying the challenge – no, it was more than that. Quick Ben had left so many knives in so many backs – none of them fatal but none the less sure to sting when tugged, and it was that tugging the wizard loved so much.
    The assassin wondered where his old friend was right now. There'd been trouble – nothing new there – and, since then, naught but silence. And then there was Fiddler. The fool had re-enlisted, for Hood's sake!
    Well, at least they're doing something. Not Kalam, oh no, not Kalam. Thirteen hundred children, resurrected on a whim. Shining eyes following his every move, mapping his every step, memorizing his every gesture – what could he teach them? The art of mayhem? As if children needed help in that.
    A ridge lay ahead. He reached the base and brought his horse into a gentle canter up the slope.
    Besides, Minala seemed to have it all under control. A natural born tyrant, she was, both in public and in private amidst the bedrolls in the half-ruined hovel they shared. And oddly enough, he'd found he was not averse to tyranny. In principle, that is. Things had a way of actually working when someone capable and implacable took charge. And he'd had enough experience taking orders to not chafe at her position of command. Between her and the aptorian demoness, a certain measure of control was being maintained, a host of life skills were being inculcated ... stealth, tracking, the laying of ambushes, the setting of traps for game both two- and four-legged, riding, scaling walls, freezing in place, knife throwing and countless other weapon skills, the weapons themselves donated by the warren's mad rulers – half of them cursed or haunted or fashioned for entirely unhuman hands. The children took to such training with frightening zeal, and the gleam of pride in Minala's eyes left the assassin ... chilled.
    An army in the making for Shadowthrone. An alarming prospect, to say the least.
    He reached the ridge. And suddenly reined in.
    An enormous stone gate surmounted the hill opposite, twin pillars spanned by an arch. Within it, a swirling grey wall. On this side of the gate, the grassy summit flowed with countless, sourceless shadows, as if they were somehow tumbling out from the portal, only to swarm like lost wraiths around its threshold.
    'Careful,' a voice murmured beside Kalam.
    He turned to see a tall, hooded and cloaked figure standing a few paces away, flanked by two Hounds. Cotillion, and his favoured two, Rood and Blind. The beasts sat on their scarred haunches, lurid eyes – seeing and unseeing – on the portal.
    'Why should I be careful?' the assassin asked.
    'Oh, the shadows at the gate. They've lost their masters ... but anyone will do.'
    'So this gate is sealed?'
    The hooded head slowly turned. 'Dear Kalam, is this a flight from our realm? How ... ignoble.'
    'I said nothing to suggest—'
    'Then why does your shadow stretch so yearningly forward?'
    Kalam glanced down at it, then scowled. 'How should I know? Perhaps it considers its chances better in yonder mob.'
    'For excitement.'
    'Ah. Chafing, are you? I would never have guessed.'
    'Liar,' Kalam said. 'Minala has banished me. But you
already know that, which is why you've come to find me.'
    'I am the Patron of Assassins,' Cotillion said. 'I do not mediate marital disputes.'
    'Depends on how fierce they get, doesn't it?'
    'Are you ready to kill each other, then?'
    'No. I was only making a point.'

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