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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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work clothes slouched on shabby bar stools. They were sipping beer and watching the pool table with riveted attention.
    Everyone at the bar looked over as Rebecca walked into the tavern. A rumble of questioning surprise went through the sleazy room. She scanned the row of faces at the bar and then looked over at the pool table.
    Kyle was leaning over the table, cue poised for a shot. The planes of his face were harshly illuminated by the triangle of light that shone down on the table. An intricate series of balk was lined up on the green felt.
    A tall, strikingly handsome man with copper-colored hair was lounging nearby. He was watching Kyle line up the shot with the same attention he would probably have given a rattlesnake.
    „I’ve got a proposition for you, Stockbridge,“ the red-haired man said in a drawling western accent. „One of us buys out the woman. Once we get her out of the picture, you and I can play a game of pool for the land.“
    „Forget it, Ballard.“ Kyle readjusted his aim.
    „You always were a coward when it came to taking a risk. Guess you haven’t changed much over the years. Sort of a Stockbridge characteristic.“
    „I can take a risk,“ Kyle retorted smoothly. „But I’ll admit I prefer the calculated kind. I leave the damned fool kind of risks to Ballards.“
    „Just like you leave the women to us?“ Ballard retorted easily.
    „Go to hell, Ballard. I’m busy.“ Kyle loosed the pool cue. The shot was right on target. A ball dropped into the pocket. Kyle stood up and walked around the table, sizing up his next shot.
    He leaned down to check his aim and caught sight of Rebecca. His gaze flew to her face. „What the devil are you doing here, Becky?“
    „Soaking up a little local atmosphere.“ She stepped forward through the smoky haze and smiled at the red-haired man. „You, I take it, are Glen Ballard?“
    „I am.“ Ballard straightened up and tipped his wide-brimmed western hat in an old-fashioned gesture. The taunting look left his eyes as he studied her. A slow smile curved his mouth. „And you must be Miss Rebecca Wade.“
    She inclined her head. „I’m afraid so.“
    „Becky, this is no place for you.“ Kyle dropped his pool cue on the table and came around the corner to grab her arm. „For Pete’s sake, don’t you know any better than to wander into a tavern? This isn’t exactly a cocktail-and-sushi bar.“
    „I figured that out right after I opened the door.“
    „Miss Wade is safe enough in here,“ Glen Ballard said with soft challenge. „I’ll protect her myself, if need be.“
    „The hell you will. Touch her and I’ll feed you that pool cue.“
    „Kyle, please,“ Rebecca interrupted quickly. „Don’t be an idiot.“
    „That’s good advice. You ought to pay attention to the lady, Stockbridge.“ Ballard grinned wickedly. „‘Course, that’s probably tough advice for a Stockbridge to take.“ He looked at Rebecca. „Stockbridges just naturally tend to make idiots of themselves,“ he confided. „It’s in the blood.“
    „Shut up, Ballard.“
    „Now why should I, Stockbridge?“
    „Gentlemen, please.“ Rebecca said very firmly. She sensed the gathering excitement in the room. The men at the bar were edging closer. She thought she saw money being put on the counter and she knew it wasn’t to pay for drinks. It was time to take charge of the situation. „There seems to be a misunderstanding here.“

    Neither man was paying any attention to her now.
    „I said,“ Rebecca repeated in a louder voice, „there appears to be a misunderstanding here.“ She turned to face the crowd. „Instead of providing a show for you all today, Mr. Ballard and Mr.
    Stockbridge would like to buy a round of drinks for everyone.“
    „Get out of here, Becky.“ Kyle was eyeing his opponent. „I’ll be out as soon as I teach Ballard a few manners.“
    „I’ll send him out to you minus a few basic parts, ma’am. I’m not sure he’ll be much use to you after I get finished with him. But, then, Stockbridges have never been much use to anyone,“ Ballard said.
    „I’m afraid I’m not making myself clear,“ Rebecca said coolly. „You will both cease and desist from this childish behavior at once. And then you will fork over enough cash to buy everyone in here a drink. If you don’t, I will deed Harmony Valley over to one of those crazy religious cults that has its members out soliciting in airports. I understand they’re always looking for

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