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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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she heard was the sophisticated growl of the Porsche’s engine.
    For some reason she was vaguely disappointed that Kyle had given up so quickly this time.
    With a sigh she unpacked her groceries, made a sandwich and then went back to Alice Cork’s journal.
    Alice, she discovered after a few pages, had some illuminating observations to make on the two members of the third generation of Ballards and Stockbridges. Apparently Alice, too, had finally come to the conclusion that Glen and Kyle were not exact copies of their fathers.
    A few hours later Rebecca finally located the Ballards’ sprawling home in the hills outside of town. She parked her compact behind an assortment of vehicles that ranged from a new Mercedes to a fifteen-year-old pick-up truck. It look as if most of the local community had been invited to tonight’s barbecue.
    She walked up the stone path to the back of the house where a sizable crowd of laughing, chatting people was clustered around a large pool. A number of children flitted around, shouting and giggling. The fragrance of wood smoke and broiling meat filled the air. As Rebecca hesitated, wondering which of the women present was her hostess, one of them came toward her with a wide smile of welcome.
    „You must be Rebecca Wade. I’m Darla Ballard. And I’m so glad you could make it. I told Glen it would be a miracle if you showed up. I’m sure you’ve had all you want of Stockbridges and Ballards.“
    „I couldn’t resist the offer of a meal somewhere besides the cafe in town. I’ve had my hamburger quota for the month,“ Rebecca said. She assessed Darla quickly. Glen Ballard’s wife was a lovely brown-eyed blonde. She was about Rebecca’s age, and she was obviously pregnant. The condition seemed to suit her. Darla was glowing.
    „A free meal is the least we can offer. Come with me. I want you to meet everyone. Heaven knows they’ve all heard about you by now. Nothing happens between Stockbridges and Ballards around here that stays private. I understand you amazed and astounded the entire clientele of Cully’s this afternoon. They’re calling you the new town marshal, you know. Word has it you actually walked into the local saloon all by yourself and kept the peace, just like in the bad old days when the guys in black hats tried to shoot it out.“
    „It wasn’t quite that colorful.“ Rebecca followed her hostess into the crowd thinking about how fast gossip traveled. She wondered how much malicious talk there had been when Darla had broken off her engagement to Kyle.
    The thought made her wince inwardly. Kyle’s fierce pride must have been lacerated when his ex-fiancée had turned around and married a Ballard.
    But Darla did not look like the kind of woman who would have done such a thing lightly. Rebecca tried to size her up as Darla led her through a whirl of introductions. It was obvious Darla was well liked and her smile was genuine.
    Rebecca realized that, with very little effort, she could like Darla, too.
    „Hey, glad to see you found the place,“ Glen called from the smoking barbecue pits. „Give the woman a drink, honey. She probably needs one. She’s been dealing with Stockbridge all day.“
    Darla laughed. „What would you like, Rebecca?“
    „A glass of wine would be nice. You have a beautiful home here, Darla.“
    „Thank you. I just wish we could spend more time here,“ Darla said as she guided Rebecca over to where a young man in a white coat was pouring drinks. „Unfortunately Glen’s business keeps us in Denver a lot of the time. Can’t let the competition get ahead of Clear Advantage Development, you know.“
    „I’m surprised we haven’t run into each other,“ Rebecca observed as she accepted her glass of wine.
    „Are you kidding?“ Darla affected wide-eyed astonishment. „Ballards and Stockbridges socialize together?
    Unheard of.“ She wrinkled her nose in a wry grimace. „Unsafe, too. No intelligent, thinking person would deliberately put a Stockbridge and a Ballard into the same room together if there was any option.“
    „That bad?“
    „It’s incredibly bad. The feud between the Bal-lards and the Stockbridges is legendary around these parts.“
    „All because of Harmony Valley?“
    Darla slanted her a quick, searching glance. „It started because of the valley, but over the years a lot of other incidents have fed the fire. It’s crazy, but the feud’s been going on for so long now that no one has any idea of how to halt

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