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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
Vom Netzwerk:
it runs in the blood, doesn’t it?“
    „You want me to leave, Ballard? Why don’t you try throwing me out?“ Kyle unbuttoned the cuff of one shirt and started rolling up the sleeve.
    „Don’t mind if I do,“ Glen said, setting down his beer can.
    „Kyle! Don’t you dare start a fight here. Do you hear me?“ Rebecca raged. „Don’t you dare.“
    „Stay out of this, Becky.“ He didn’t look at her. His attention was on his opponent.
    „I will not stay out of this,“ she hissed. „Stop it right now, or so help me…“
    But Kyle was paying absolutely no attention. He was readying himself for the fight. Glen Ballard had rolled up his own sleeves and dropped into a fighter’s crouch.
    „I don’t believe this,“ Rebecca stared at first one man and then the other. „I just don’t believe it. I’m going to put a stop to this right here and now.“
    She planted both hands on Kyle’s shoulders and shoved with all of her might. With a yelp of outrage, he toppled into the pool.
    „Now why didn’t I think of that?“ Darla Ballard said, moving up behind her husband who was doubling over in laughter at the sight of his opponent sinking under water.
    Darla pushed hard and a second later Glen Ballard joined his nemesis in the swimming pool.

    The crowd that was gathered around the pool held its collective breath as the two would-be combatants surfaced.
    Without a word both men stroked to the edge of the pool. The laughter didn’t start until each hauled himself up over the edge and got to his feet.
    Kyle and Glen stood there dripping wet and contemplating Rebecca and Darla with expressions of disgusted amazement.
    „I think I’d better take this one home,“ Rebecca said, stepping forward to clasp Kyle by his arm. „He’s in no condition to drive and if he hangs around here in those wet clothes he’ll probably catch a chill. The image of a big, macho gun-fighter with a bad cold doesn’t do much for the imagination, does it?“
    „She’s right, Glen.“ Darla surveyed her husband. „You’d better go change your clothes, too. It’s getting cool out here. Run along now.“
    Glen muttered something unintelligible and then meekly turned and headed for the house.
    „This way, sport.“ Rebecca started to lead an unresisting Kyle through the amused crowd. „Good night, Darla. I enjoyed myself up until these two decided to stage their big showdown. Maybe we can get together again one of these days?“
    „I’ll look forward to it,“ Darla murmured. She saw Rebecca as far as the edge of the patio. „You know, this night will probably go down in local history.“
    „Why?“ Rebecca asked.
    „Because for the second time in one day someone tried to stop a Ballard and a Stockbridge from getting into a fight.“
    „We not only tried,“ Rebecca pointed out, „we succeeded.“
    „Thanks to you. Obviously Ballards and Stockbridges aren’t quite as tough as they’ve led everyone to believe over the years,“ Darla remarked thoughtfully.
    Kyle stiffened under Rebecca’s hand but he said nothing. Rebecca smiled fleetingly.
    „We didn’t witness a show of weakness on either side back there, Darla,“ Rebecca said. „What we saw was a demonstration of common sense. Apparently, contrary to popular myth, given a big enough hint, even a Ballard or a Stockbridge can figure out when to quit. I think that’s a very hopeful sign. See you later.“
    „I’ll see you get your car tomorrow,“ Darla called. „How about lunch?“
    „Sounds great,“ Rebecca called back.
    Darla laughed as she waved farewell. „I think this is the part where I’m supposed to ask ‘Who was that masked lady?’ as you ride off into the sunset.“ She turned and went back toward the pool where the crowd was busy rehashing the scene that had just taken place. Rebecca had a hunch everyone in the community would be discussing the events for days.
    Kyle spoke for the first time, his voice low and grumbling. „If you two get any friendlier you’ll have to form a club.“
    „Not a bad idea. We could call it the Society of Ladies Interested in Stopping the Stockbridge-Ballard Feud.“
    Kyle shot her a dark glance. „What do you care about the feud? You’re planning to sell to Ballard and head back for Denver.“
    „Am I?“
    „Isn’t that why you were here tonight? To hear Ballard’s offer?“
    „Nope. I came out of curiosity. And because I wanted to meet my new neighbors.“
    „Sure you did.“
    „It’s the

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