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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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noncontroversial subjects. It was obvious everyone was far too polite to bring up the matter of the Stockbridge-Ballard feud or Rebecca’s role in it.
    Rebecca was beginning to wonder if she might like to keep Harmony Valley. She could have a new house built on it, she thought, a place she could use on the weekends. She smiled grimly, wondering how Kyle and Glen would react if they found out yet another independent female had chosen Harmony Valley for her home.
    Rebecca was in the middle of a conversation with a rancher’s wife when she first became aware of the disturbance near the swimming pool. It wasn’t much in the beginning, just a murmur of awareness that hummed through the crowd.
    But a moment later she heard her new acquaintance gasp.
    „Oh, my Lord, it’s Kyle Stockbridge,“ the woman said. „He’s here. Over by the pool. Will you look at that? Talk about nerve. Poor Darla.“ Scandalized horror and excitement were mirrored in her face. „I hope there won’t be a scene.“
    Her tone implied that there would very probably be a scene – that she and everyone else would be extremely disappointed if there wasn’t a scene.
    Rebecca turned around and saw Kyle standing near the pool. He hadn’t bothered to change his clothes. He was still wearing the snug jeans, scuffed boots and faded denim shirt he’d had on earlier in the day. His black hat was jammed down over his eyes and his expression was full of sardonic challenge. He was here to make trouble and he didn’t care who knew it. He caught Rebecca’s eye and smiled coldly.
    Before Rebecca could move, she saw Glen Ballard start through the crowd, a can of beer in each hand. She breathed a sigh of relief. Glen, at least, apparently was going to try to avoid a scene. Rebecca lost sight of the two men as the crowd shifted position.

    „I should have known Kyle would pull a stunt like this. It’s just like him to crash the party. He won’t want you left in our clutches for very long.“
    Rebecca glanced at Darla who had appeared to stand beside her. She looked unhappily resigned to disaster. „It looks like Glen is going to be civil. Kyle won’t make a scene if Glen refuses to respond to it.“
    There was a muffled snort from the rancher’s wife. „Those two will make a scene anywhere, anytime.“
    „I’m afraid she’s right,“ Darla said. „Neither of them can resist baiting the other. My party is going to be ruined. I just know it.“
    „How much of a disaster can they cause?“ Rebecca asked, exasperated. „They’re a couple of respectable businessmen, not two gunslingers. They aren’t likely to start brawling at a party, for heaven’s sake.“
    The rancher’s wife and Darla both stared at her with pitying looks.
    Rebecca blinked. „You mean they might actually start a fight? Right here in front of everyone?“
    „It’s happened before,“ the rancher’s wife announced.
    „When?“ Rebecca was truly astounded. This was a civilized party, not a tavern.
    „The most notable occasion was my wedding reception,“ Darla said grimly. „But there have been other instances.“
    „I don’t believe it. Two intelligent, full-grown men?“
    „Wait and see,“ the rancher’s wife intoned knowingly.
    Rebecca swung around and started through the crowd. „No, I don’t think I’ll wait and see. I’m going to put a stop to this right now. Kyle has no business ruining your party, Darla.“
    „Rebecca, wait,“ Darla said urgently. „Come back here. Believe me, you don’t want to get in the middle of whatever is going on. There’s nothing anyone can do. I heard how you handled things this afternoon, but you mustn’t count on being able to do it a second time. You probably just took them both by surprise. You aren’t likely to get lucky again.
    Trust me, this is a serious feud. It’s for real. Ballards and Stockbridges always quarrel when they run into each other.“
    Rebecca ignored her. The crowd parted with suspicious eagerness as she made her way swiftly to poolside. When the last of the guests stepped out of her way, she found herself within a couple of feet of the two men. She was stunned to hear a familiar topic of conversation.
    „I’ll give you credit, Ballard,“ Kyle was saying. „You nearly pulled it off. But I recognized your hand behind the scenes as soon as my man started trying to explain why Jamison had changed his mind. I know your style. You’ll be happy to know I got Jamison’s name on that contract

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