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A Woman's Touch

A Woman's Touch

Titel: A Woman's Touch Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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felt left out. I realized he didn’t really need me. He didn’t love me. I came to the conclusion he might not be capable of loving anyone. That’s when I knew I had to end the engagement.“
    „Did you love him?“ It was a hard question to ask but Rebecca had to know.

    Darla tilted her head to one side, considering the matter. „I’m not sure. Whatever I felt didn’t last too long, so it probably wasn’t real love, although it might have grown into the real thing if I’d ever gotten any response from him. I do know I was very excited and thrilled when Kyle first started dating me. He was, after all, the son of one of the most important families in the area. And at first I think the darkness in him actually attracted me. It was a challenge, I suppose.“
    „Kyle can certainly be a challenge,“ Rebecca admitted.
    „Well, I got tired of the challenge when I realized I didn’t have the power to change him. I knew I needed a man who was more easygoing most of the time. More open.“ Darla grinned. „The only time Glen gets difficult is when he’s confronting Kyle. On those occasions the atmosphere takes on all the nuances of high noon in Dodge City.“
    „I can’t believe those two have been at each other’s throats all these years.“
    „I can’t, either, but it’s a fact.“ Darla patted her rounded stomach ruefully. „I’m probably about to start another generation of battling Ballards.“
    „Maybe you’ll get lucky and have a little girl.“
    Darla grinned. „That would certainly throw a monkey wrench into the works, wouldn’t it? But Ballards always seem to have male children. So do Stockbridges. If Kyle marries, I’m sure there will be another macho Stockbridge coming along who will grow up thinking the lowest form of life on earth is a Ballard.“
    Rebecca’s brows rose. She smiled at her hostess. „Don’t look at me like that. It makes me nervous.“
    „Sorry. But I did hear that you and Kyle had been living together, and I couldn’t help but wonder…?“
    „We only lived together for ten days. If s over,“ Rebecca said flatly. „It ended when I found out just why Kyle had
    'accidentally’ met me in the first place.“
    „Harmony Valley? You just found out about it recently?“
    Rebecca nodded. „The lawyers got in touch with me yesterday. I walked out on Kyle a few hours later.“
    „And he followed you,“ Darla murmured speculatively.
    „Sure. He hasn’t got his hands on Harmony Valley yet.“
    Darla’s eyes narrowed. „It doesn’t sound like him.“
    „What doesn’t sound like him?“
    „I don’t see Kyle actually persuading a woman to move in with him just so he could get his hands on her land. He and Glen would both go a long way out of their way to get hold of Harmony Valley, but I don’t think either one of them would go that far.“
    „Their fathers and grandfathers apparently were willing to marry for it.“
    „Different times, different men,“ Darla said philosophically. „I might be wrong about Kyle. I’ll admit I never really got to know him. But I do know Glen would not have married just to get his hands on Harmony Valley.“ She broke off abruptly as if a thought had just struck her. „But…“
    „But what?“ Rebecca demanded.
    Darla smiled humorously. „It occurs to me that if Kyle had stumbled into a situation that provided the best of both worlds, he wouldn’t have hesitated to make the most of it. Glen might have done the same before he met me. There’s no getting around the fact that Ballards and Stockbridges take advantage of their opportunities.“
    „In other words, if Kyle found himself attracted to the woman who happened to own Harmony Valley, he’d take both,“ Rebecca concluded bluntly.
    „If he could get both. The Stockbridges have always been known for their business luck,“ Darla said with a soft laugh. „But not their charm. Folks around here will tell you the Ballards were the first in line when the charm was being handed out. Anyway, enough of this depressing talk. Let’s go see if we can find a steak with your name on it. Glen’s at his best when he’s standing in front of a barbecue. He says it’s in the blood.“
    The next hour passed quickly. Rebecca began to relax and enjoy herself. Glen Ballard was busy with his other guests and made no effort to bring up the subject of Harmony Valley. Darla introduced Rebecca to several more of her friends, and the conversation turned easily on a variety of

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