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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
Netty … somehow … managed to save her coup de grace for him.


Introduction to
    Species Intervention #6609

Book 2

Synopsis for Echo:
    Netty’s influence transcends a full century as the United States evolves to a point of politically driven economic collapse. The year is 2033 as a young mother, abused by her shiftless husband, heroically decides to remove her two sickly children, Scotty and Abby, from the mean streets of their government subsidized tenement town of Short Hills, New Jersey to the hills and old farmland of Sussex County. There, they unite with a Latino family that adopted Jose, a young boy from Costa Rica, traumatized at the age of seven by the brutal murder of his parents and the kidnapping of his infant sister.
    The two families unite to pool finances, creating the love and bonds that will enable them to survive the psychotic attention of Armoni, a soul damaged beyond redemption, discovery of Baby’s miraculous offspring, Echo; and their subsequent body changes. Through the efforts of Echo who develops an unexplained passion for the curly haired dog, Barney, they flee the clutches of Armoni after the murder of Armoni’s sidekicks by Echo, to Sarasota, Florida, one of the last remaining enclaves of wealth in the U.S.
    Scotty learns to utilize Echo as a co-conspirator in his intrigue to thwart the efforts of heinous people that prey on the lives of creatures in their environmentally rich new home, where the insidious miscreant, Armoni, tracks them; dragging along Ginger Mae, a New York City prostitute looking for opportunity with her mute child, Daisy; bringing brutality and violence to all.
    Having fallen in love, the young Abby and Jose draw close, only to be separated by the transcendental Netty, who tries to use Abby as a conduit in her plan to rescue as much wildlife as they can before despicable political events bring on the specter of Armageddon.

Bonus Chapters 1-3

Chapter 1
2033 AD
    Scotty slipped out his front door unnoticed, easily overlooked if you failed to notice his ringworm and impetigo scars. Barely three and a half feet tall, even at six years old, it put him in the underdeveloped category, another result of the wicked fall his mother took while pregnant with him. The fall initiated his premature birth, keeping him in a grossly understaffed neo natal hospital unit where his tiny body contracted a number of skin diseases that left him scarred and disfigured.
    To add to his misery, his left eye muscles refused to fully develop allowing his eye to wander in its socket, giving him headaches, vision problems and disfiguring facial affects . The fact that his father continued to deny responsibility for his mother’s fall, illustrated the truth of his sister Abby’s claims. His mother married a full-blown leachy weasel.
    Scotty looked up and down the bleak empty hallway, dirty graffiti walls, a testimony to the futility of the lives packed like termites in the ugly utilitarian monstrosity he called home.
    He cautiously peeked in the stairwell. Seeing it empty, he scrambled down the cold metal stairs, his tiny worn sneakers masking his footfalls. Emerging from the gloom of the stairwell, he recoiled from the sudden glare of an unexpectedly sunny afternoon.
    Scooting around to the back of his building, he dodged empty beer cans, used condoms and piles of dog feces to hide in the big cardboard box he currently used as his fort. Yesterday, Chang Appliance, the largest Chinese appliance chain in the world, delivered something to an exceedingly lucky tenant in his building. He and his buddy, Germaine, quickly claimed the treasured empty box, dragging it to the back of their tenement in the giant public housing neighborhood of Short Hills, New Jersey, hoping they could hide it from the big guys. At least long enough to have some fun with it.
    Short Hills, formerly a bastion of affluent homes in the early part of the century, no longer boasted anyone that could afford them. As a result, the Socialized Democrat Party strengthened the urban renewal and eminent domain laws. When the real estate market for large expensive homes (the most visible trapping of despised capitalist pigs) collapsed, due to the exodus of the wealthy to more welcoming countries, the homes were appropriated. After removing the squatters and gangs, the bulldozers made way for what some called inevitable progress. The kind of progress that produced nasty government subsidized housing projects; pretty

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