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Titel: Baby Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: J. K. Accinni
Vom Netzwerk:
control in the second decade, forced the Socialist Democrats to finally acquiesce. Their mission accomplished, their aim to amass enough constituents to vote them into power for perpetuity, could stop.
    The Socialized Democrat Party now exercised iron control of the government. The exceptionalism of The United States started its decline long ago when the masses realized they could use their vote to elect officials willing to rape the country in their efforts to sell their influence in return for votes. So they just voted for the politician and party that promised them the most swag. They didn’t care that someone must inevitably pay for it, as long as it wasn’t them.
    As a result, availability of capital to grow the private sector diminished. Small business suffered and disappeared. Taxes shot through the roof. Large corporations left the country along with the wealthy. Hollywood elite baled quickly, France, London and Mexico their preferred destinations. A pound of chopped meat in a grocery store (if you could find it on the shelf) now cost $33.00 a pound. And it was mostly pink slime fillers at that. Thank heavens for food stamps.
    The country now consisted of the unexceptional, the undereducated, the unemployable and the irrational. Oh, and the lazy, can’t forget the lazy. Birth control now remained a nasty word. The Socialist Democrats pushed it hoping to reduce poor populations, yet the poor refused to take it. Who wanted to give up the opportunity for another welfare check? The country, no longer a melting pot, became a country of fighting tribal factions and competing ideologies. The Socialist Democrat Party, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Green and the smaller Republican Party perpetually slandered each other in their quest to control what remained of the country.
    The Socialist Democrat Party, made up of African Americans, highly paid union workers and ex-illegal’s (45 million added to the Medicaid rolls. Read: Totally free medical care.) that were granted amnesty by the Democrats in power in 2017 represented the majority. Ex-union officials made up 50% of the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives. The unions controlled 80% of the jobs. Either you worked for the federal or municipal government or you worked in the service sectors (100% union, thanks to Card Check legislation); manufacturing nowhere to be found.
    There no longer existed a national language. Children attended school for four hours a day, eight months a year; the average work week a mere 25 hours. The public insisted the politicians respect their need for rest and recreation. If they didn’t, they lost their jobs—voted out. Capitalism reigned no longer.
    The outdated pieces of paper called the Constitution lost its relevance and respect. The new law of the land required the courts to consider the beliefs and requirements of all global groups when assessing legal responsibility. Political correctness ran amok. And the deficit—stratospheric. Why do you think China had such a large economic presence? They owned the United States. Yes, what a lovely country the people lived in.
    An ineptocracy. A government by where the least capable of governing are elected by the least capable of sustaining themselves. The mandate: to confiscate wealth from the diminishing group of the most capable. Welcome to the United States of America.
    As a result, the vanishing elite upper class resided in a few tiny enclaves, no longer reviled, almost mythical, their wealth protected, their good will courted. The newly despised and envied middle class, the new six percent, consisted of politicians, some business owners, religious leaders, drug dealers and certain members of the burgeoning underground economy. The majority consisted of the poor and the poorer. The poor savored their relative happiness before the polio epidemic. Encouraged to procreate, their needs fully subsidized, initiative evaporated. Welfare, food stamps, subsidized housing, subsidized public transportation, free childcare, free medical care.
    Whatever you need there is a government program to cover the cost. Cradle to grave, as they say. Yet the poor somehow always found the money for air conditioning, cell phones, I-pods, cable TV, shiny leased automobiles, and LED TVs.
    The Chinese depended on that. Money for research and development in the U.S. vanished. Our scientists moved to other countries just like the best doctors, the rich, Wall Street and the entrepreneurs that found their

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