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Brother Cadfael 08: The Devil's Novice

Brother Cadfael 08: The Devil's Novice

Titel: Brother Cadfael 08: The Devil's Novice Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Ellis Peters
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to him. They were two who matched like hand and glove, and Nigel was not best pleased. But he held his tongue and minded his manners, at least while I was there. Meriet did not like their by-play, either, he took himself off early to the stable, he liked the horse better than the man.'
    'Did Roswitha bide overnight, too?'
    'Oh, no, Nigel walked home with her when it was growing dark. I saw them go.'
    'Then her brother was not with her that night?'
    'Janyn? No, Janyn has no interest in the company of lovers. He laughs at them. No, he stayed at home.'
    'And the next day ... Nigel did not ride with the guest departing? Nor Meriet? What were they about that morning?'
    She frowned over that, thinking back. 'I think Nigel must have gone quite early back to the Lindes. He is jealous of her, though he sees no wrong in her. I believe he was away most of the day, I don't think he even came home to supper. And Meriet - I know he was with us when Master Clemence left, but after that I didn't see him until late in the afternoon. Uncle Leoric had been out with hounds after dinner, with Fremund and the chaplain and his kennelman. I remember Meriet came back with them, though he didn't ride out with them. He had his bow - he often went off solitary, especially when he was out of sorts with all of us. They went in, all. I don't know why, it was a very quiet evening, I supposed because the guest was gone, and there was no call for ceremony. I don't believe Meriet came to supper in hall that day. I didn't see him again all the evening.'
    'And after? When was it that you first heard of his wish to enter with us at Shrewsbury?'
    'It was Fremund who told me, the night following. I hadn't seen Meriet all that day to speak for himself. But I did the next day. He was about the manor as usual then, he did not look different, not in any particular. He came and helped me with the geese in the back field,' said Isouda, hugging her knees, 'and I told him what I had heard, and that I thought he was out of his wits, and asked him why he should covet such a fruitless life ... ' She reached a hand to touch Cadfael's arm, and a smile to assure herself of his understanding, quite unperturbed. 'You are different, you've had one life already, a new one halfway is a fresh blessing for you, but what has he had? But he stared me in the eye, straight as a lance, and said he knew what he was doing, and it was what he wanted to do. And lately he had outgrown me and gone away from me, and there was no possible reason he should pretend with me, or scruple to tell me what I asked. And I have none to doubt what he did tell me. He wanted this. He wants it still. But why? That he never told me.'
    'That,' said Brother Cadfael ruefully, 'he has not told anyone, nor will not if he can evade it. What is to be done, lady, with this young man who wills to destroy himself, shut like a wild bird in a cage?'
    'Well, he's not lost yet,' said Isouda resolutely. 'And I shall see him again when we come for Nigel's marriage in December, and after that Roswitha will be out of his reach utterly, for Nigel is taking her north to the manor near Newark, which Uncle Leoric is giving to them to manage. Nigel was up there in midsummer, viewing his lordship and making ready, Janyn kept him company on the visit. Every mile of distance will help. I shall look for you, Brother Cadfael, when we come. I'm not afraid, now I've talked to you. Meriet is mine, and in the end I shall have him. It may not be me he dreams of now, but his dreams now are devilish, I would not be in those. I want him well awake. If you love him, you keep him from the tonsure, and I will do the rest!'
    If I love him - and if I love you, faun, thought Cadfael, riding very thoughtfully homeward after leaving her. For you may very well be the woman for him. And what you have told me I must sort over with care, for Meriet's sake, and for yours.
    He took a little bread and cheese on his return, and a measure of beer, having forsworn a midday meal with a household where he felt no kinship; and that done, he sought audience with Abbot Radulfus in the busy quiet of the afternoon, when the great court was empty, and most of the household occupied in cloister or gardens or fields.
    The abbot had expected him, and listened with acute attention to everything he had to recount.
    'So we are committed to caring for this young man, who may be misguided in his choice, but still persists in it. There is no course open to us but to keep

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