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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
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he was doing or worse, what was going on between him and Cody.
    But he underestimated her. She never asked, just seemed very content to have his company. All he hoped was that Cody would be able to get a ride. It would be worse to see their disappointment if Cody fell off, especially after how they left it last week. The announcer was doing his best to make sure everyone in the audience knew how bad a slump Cody had been in, and Johnny felt a little guilty.
    It still hurt to see Chris down there, taking his place next to Vern and Reese. Even though Johnny knew he was actually the interloper and Chris probably felt the same hurt and frustration while he was out. At least he got a free seat in the stands. It made him understand a little better how Cody felt about getting older and losing the sport he loved. Maybe it was the reason for the change in his attitude, why he seemed so arrogant at the ranch when they were teaching those kids.
    Val’s hand was tight around his as they watched Cody take his ride in the first round. Johnny could tell Cody was riding too tight. Bearing down, somehow Cody managed to make it to the whistle before his hand popped out of the rope. Despite knowing how Cody’s pride would be hurt if he knew, Johnny had to laugh when Cody spun around in midair a couple times like a helicopter before skidding into the dirt at the end of the ride. But he felt angry when he saw Chris Bellow moving too slowly to save Cody from getting butted by the bull. It was Cody’s own reflexes that made it an embarrassing thing rather than an injury as he was knocked off his feet, but was able to free himself and run for the fence. It wouldn’t have been that close a call if Johnny had been down there.
    When the disappointing score flashed on the board, Val said, “I hope Cody can pull himself together. He’s better than this.”
    “He is,” Johnny said.
    Next up was Bobby Blue. Johnny clenched his hands into fists and bit his lip as he watched. It wasn’t a pretty ride, with the bull stumbling and hesitating, but Bobby Blue made the best ride anyone could. When Rex stopped him for the post-ride interview on camera, Johnny’s frown lightened with surprise as he watched on the ring monitor.
    “How did you manage to stay up there for eight seconds?”
    “It’s all due to Cody Grainger, a great rider and a great teacher. I just want to thank him for the wisdom he shared with me that enabled me to make my ride. It’s an honor to be here, and I want to thank the fans and God and our great country for the opportunity.”
    Even Rex looked a bit stunned by the reply, and Val was flat-out laughing as she turned to Johnny. “I guess you put the fear of God into him. Maybe he thinks the Ring of Honor will come after him for unbecoming behavior.”
    Embarrassed, Johnny felt his face flush but he had to laugh. “I wasn’t really going to knock his block off. It just pissed me off when he dissed Cody. After all he did for him!”
    “Hey, don’t apologize to me. It was exciting to watch you in action. I was rooting for you.” Val touched his arm. “And Cody.” Her smile was so meaningful, Johnny had to turn away. He didn’t know how to answer her, the unspoken question hanging between them clear as day. He had loved Cody since the day they met; he just didn’t know if he could live with him anymore.
    The ring announcer started talking. “And here comes the Brazilian contingent and one of their best riders, Juca Matos. For three years he’s trailed Cody Grainger in the ring, but this could be his chance to pull ahead. All the Brazilians are great riders, even though Juca Matos has seen some criticism of his game plan. His strength lies in the consistency of his rides, rather than thrills. His scores tend to be average, but he piles up the points by simply not falling off too many bulls. Some say part of his strategy is he won’t pick a bull if he knows he can’t ride it. And at the end of the year, his consistency adds up in points and dollars, and that’s what a rider needs to take him to the finals.”
    That’s where Cody was different, Johnny thought. If a bull had thrown him before or had a rep for being rank, that was the bull Cody would go for. It was part of what made him so exciting to watch.
    Juca Matos took his time in the chute, getting his rope fixed the way he liked it. The officials were telling him to hurry it up before he finally gave the nod. The gate opened and the bull shot out, but

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