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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
your private life private, fine, but a blind man would notice how you look at Johnny. Since you been playing a lone hand, it’s been eating you up inside. I know it’ll cut to the bone for you to get humble, but you gotta tell him you’re sorry, get on your knees, whatever you have to do to get him back. Don’t blow your last year. I’ll let them know you’ll take the reride.” With a final pat on the shoulder, Dub walked out without waiting for Cody to argue.
    He was through. Dub knew about him and he was a failure, both as a man and a rider. The door squeaked shut behind Dub.
    “Last year,” Cody groaned, and put his head in his hands.
    Then the door opened again. He didn’t bother to pretend to be okay as someone came toward him. The someone knelt and put his hands on Cody’s thighs.
    Startled, he looked up.
    “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Johnny said. “You’re better than this. This is the last trail to the finals. You’ve ridden way ranker bulls and you’re flopping around up there like you never been on a bull’s back before.”
    “Johnny!” Cody gasped. He couldn’t move. Just stared into his beautiful black eyes.
    “Stop riding not to fall off. Ride to win! You love to ride, remember?” Johnny kept his hands moving, stroking up and down Cody’s thighs, the warmth seeping through the leather of his chaps. “You’d better stick on top of your next ride or else.”
    “Or else what?”
    “Or else we never fuck again!”
    “You left me!”
    “I’m riding with Vern. I had to leave.”
    “I thought—I thought—you said—you don’t think we can work it out—”
    “You’re an idiot, Cody, but I love you anyway.” Johnny grinned up at him. “Fuck, listen to me, getting romantic right in the locker room. We can talk about it later. I’ve got to get back out there. And you better stick on top of your next bull or I’ll whup your ass.”
    “You might have to take a number. Dub and Mom’ll fight you for the privilege,” Cody said ruefully. Cody leaned forward to kiss Johnny but pulled back before their lips could touch.
    “Later,” Johnny promised. He stood up and stared down at Cody. “Maybe you need an incentive program. Score in the 80s, you get a blowjob, over 90 you get to tap my ass—”
    “As long as you come back, I’ll ride any bull out there, I’ll ride Spinal Tap!” Cody knew he was babbling. He stood up. He wanted nothing more than to grab Johnny, hold him tight, kiss him forever, but this was no place for a reconciliation even though some miracle he didn’t understand had happened.
    “All right, then. I’ll get Sam to truck him in for the short round. He’s got ten minutes,” Johnny teased. He pointed a finger. “You! Ride the fuck out of your next bull! Make me proud. And rich, because I got money riding on you.”
    And then he was gone.
    The joy that filled Cody made him feel as if he were going to burst, even while he realized that once again, he hadn’t paid enough attention. He resolved he would get better at listening to Johnny, he’d do anything—
    The music ended and the ring announcer’s hyper voice echoed over the loudspeaker.
    Cody pulled his glove back on and grabbed his rope. He had to talk the officials into letting him ride The Remedy again instead of another bull. He was going to ride that bull for the full eight, dammit! Waiting for The Remedy to be brought back out, he would have to ride last in the third round. No one would be expecting him to stick on the back of The Remedy after what had just happened, but he would do it for Johnny. He’d show them all, but this was for Johnny. He got up to go talk to the judges.

    H E WAS afraid to meet Dub’s gaze as he got ready in the chute, but his friend’s hand on his vest was comforting, keeping the bull from jerking him forward. “Make him pay for dragging you in the dust, Cody.”
    “Thanks, Dub.”
    “Always with you, friend,” Dub said.
    Startled, Cody looked up to find Dub grinning at him. “I owe you a beer—friend.”
    “Make it a case,” Dub said. “I could use it. My nerves are shot after watching you fall off all summer.”
    Cody gave the nod, watching the rope slide through the rails as the gate swung open. The Remedy pushed off. He could feel the power as the bull blew up out of the gate, jumping high enough to clear it. Then its back legs went up and the bull twisted, turning left and settled into a spin. Apparently The Remedy felt it had something to

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