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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
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score, especially after the numbers he’d been looking at over the summer.
    Dub was indignant, though. “That was a 90-point ride! They’re leaving room for the rest of the field to knock you off!”
    “Hey, don’t complain too much. You’re part of the rest of the field who’s trying to knock me off.”
    “You got this one.” Dub shook his head. “You’re going to win it. I feel it.”
    “Don’t sell yourself short, Dub.”
    Now Cody could only wait and see. He’d done all he could. One ride at a time, and the excitement in the ring was growing. The fans were always thrilled to see a good ride, but they wanted to see Cody win. Like dominoes, the eight men who followed Cody fell over, either getting a low score or falling off.
    He groaned to see Dub hit the dirt at a little over five seconds, but Cody knew that, even with an average score, by the grace of the other riders doing worse than he did, he’d won. Finally!
    Dub came to join him behind the chutes. “You got some kind of voodoo spell going? I should never have fallen off that practice bull.”
    Cody slapped his friend’s shoulder. “That was a rank bull, Dub. I’m lucky I didn’t draw him.”
    “Easy for you to say,” Dub complained, but he grinned.
    After the last rider failed to cover his bull, Cody bounced to his feet, rubbing his hands. Another buckle!
    “Does it hurt?”
    “What, that little tumble I took in round three?”
    Dub spat in the dirt. “No, always winning over your friends.”
    Cody gave him a big grin. “Doesn’t hurt a bit.”
    “Could you at least pretend a little?” But Dub was grinning too. “Go on and get your damn buckle.”

Chapter 17:
Getting on a Hot Streak

    I T MADE Cody want to laugh and cry and shout in triumph. That buckle had to be the hardest win in his entire career. Even if he did win the finals this year, no gold buckle would hold the meaning this one did. He’d won it for Johnny. Holding the buckle, kissing it for the cameras, the flashbulbs going off, other riders gathered around clapping for him, confetti, a quick shower, changing into clean clothes for the brief press conference because they were always short in bull riding, then a rather long meet and greet with delighted fans, signing a million autographs. At least, it felt like a million. Good thing Cody wrote with his right, or maybe his riding hand would never have been the same, as so many fans had thrust tickets, hats, and programs at him. Excited fans telling him how they always knew he would ride out the slump, how glad they were he was back, manly thumps on the back, kisses on satin cheeks of pretty girls for the camera, good wishes for the weeks leading up to the finals.
    Then dinner with the family. His mother looking so happy, his father so proud, RJ radiating approval in his silence, Travis talking a blue streak, and Dub grinning. Of course, no one commented on Johnny’s presence except Travis. He’d waited ’til Dub left the table to speak to a few of his fans before leaning across Val.
    “So, you two an item again?”
    Val smacked him on the shoulder but at the same time asked, “Well? Are you?”
    It made Cody realize how anxious she’d been and how great her self-control had been not to interfere more than she did. “I’ll leave that to Johnny to decide.”
    Johnny had nodded. “We’re an item.”
    Travis passed Val a twenty as she exclaimed, “Told you so.”
    “That’s all we’re worth? A twenty?” Cody was grinning.
    “There were a few other side bets if it makes you feel any better,” Davis said.
    “Quit while your head still fits your hat, Cody,” RJ said. “Besides, you didn’t bet, so what’s it to you?”
    “It’s okay, I feel like I won anyway.”
    It made him happy his family was behind him, but throughout the celebratory dinner, his attention was mostly on Johnny anyway, feeling the electricity buzzing between them, a heightened awareness that made him conscious of the way his jeans rubbed his groin and thighs.
    He couldn’t wait for them all to go away so he could be alone with Johnny. Something had happened, something had changed, he could feel it. It felt like being inside the chute, the moment of anticipation before the gate opened and the explosion of energy, the dance of power between rider and bull.
    In some ways he knew it would never be the same between him and Johnny, but for the first time he had hope it might be better. Over the past few months, when they met, even when

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