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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
as you, Sister Christian.”
    Christian laughed and started to say something, but it had been hard enough cutting this one out of the herd at the bar and Johnny wasn’t here to chat, so he unzipped and pressed his cock to Christian’s moving mouth. The glossy lips parted immediately and Johnny filled Christian’s mouth with cock to shut him up. However, he couldn’t complain about the lavish and expert blowjob that followed. He was nearly unconscious with pleasure by the time he came, and his knees wobbled dangerously because his bones had melted. He sank onto the bed to recover. He was so going to tell Zane about this, and it made him glad he had at least one friend he could talk to freely. Slowly, he became aware that Christian had resumed the interrupted conversation and was asking how he liked it.
    “You have a fabulous-tasting cock. I could suck it all day. You’re some kind of Indian, aren’t you? Oh yeah, I heard about that whole two-spirit thing. Being gay is accepted in your tribe, right? It would be so great to grow up where no one gave a damn that you liked cock. What tribe are you anyway?”
    Johnny was beginning to get irritated as always when outsiders used the word “Indian.” “Diné, and I wouldn’t say it’s accepted. All tribes aren’t the same, you know. There was no gathering around the fire at night telling ancient stories about homoerotic frolics on the lonely plains. And this two-spirit thing is some romantic fantasy that white guys like to get off on!”
    Christian was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry, man. I didn’t know.”
    “It’s all right.” Johnny felt a little guilty for going off on Christian.
    “I hope you still want to do it with me.”
    To reassure Christian, Johnny started tugging at his jeans.
    “Wait, don’t rip them! I’ll do it. These are designer!”
    Patiently, Johnny waited until Christian had managed to force his jeans and skimpy bikini briefs down to his knees after lots of squirming, and then he rolled on top of Christian to take him in his mouth. At first the theatrical moans and shrieks were almost certainly for the benefit of his friends, but soon Christian was moaning for real. He grabbed Johnny’s head and held it in as strong a grip as Cody ever had as he thrust, reminding Johnny that for all the affect and makeup, he was still with a man. Besides, Christian had a nice cock and Johnny enjoyed sucking him off.
    When he’d drained the other man dry, Johnny reached for the chic designer box of tissues and grabbed one to spit into.
    Christian lay motionless for a few minutes before rolling to the side to run a comb through his hair and grab his lip gloss off the nightstand. While applying it, he managed to say, “I’ve never had an Indian before.”
    “I’ve never had a swishy little queen before.”
    “Oh snap ! Read me, honey! Too hilarious and on point! So what made you pick me? You’re so butch. Usually the butch ones don’t go for my type of girl.” Christian said the words in a flirtatious lisp as he ran his hand under Johnny’s shirt.
    The idea that he was butch cracked Johnny up. He was known as the skinny guy on his bullfighting team and with Cody—“Butch?”
    “Yeah, you know, you’re rocking that cowboys-and-Indians chic and all hard and muscly and I’m sort of—fat.”
    “You’re not fat at all. What the hell are you talking about?”
    “Not regular people fat, gay-fat.” Christian pouted with his newly glossed lips and pulled up his sequined top to tug at the quarter inch of spare skin at his waist. “I’d give anything for a fabulous body like yours.”
    “Well, my job is physical, so I’m moving around most of the time. What do you do?”
    “Art director at an ad agency. Most of the exercise I get is moving my mouse hand a little bit and slitting my wrists over deadlines. What do you do?”
    “Construction,” Johnny answered. He didn’t want anyone to think of him and bull riding in the same sentence, just in case.
    “See? That’s a butch, macho job. No wonder you’re so hard.” Christian paused meaningfully before the last word, bending closer to Johnny’s groin to blow a blast of hot air over his cock.
    “But it’s not like I’m twirling my gun and having a shoot-out down at the corral.”
    “Look at how different we are. I bet you’ve never seen a boy in makeup and nail polish before, have you?”
    “Not up close,” Johnny admitted.
    “So what did your cute friend at the bar say when

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