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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
you told him you were coming over to pick me up? Is he your boyfriend?”
    “How did you know what he said—”
    “I spend a lot of time in clubs. I can tell when a guy is trying to talk his wingman out of a date.”
    “He called you a swishy little queen.” Johnny was embarrassed for Zane and ashamed of himself for using the words earlier. He hoped he hadn’t hurt Christian’s feelings.
    Christian giggled in a ladylike way. “Well, it’s just telling it like it is. What did you think?”
    Slowly, Johnny said, “I thought I’ve never seen a braver man.”
    “Get the fuck out! For real?” Christian sat up in a glow of surprised pleasure as he studied Johnny’s face. “You mean it!”
    “I could never walk around dressed like that. It’s like you’re out in front, taking the bullets for the rest of us.”
    “I look good!”
    “You look fabulous. You’re really cute. I wouldn’t have come over if you weren’t, but you—uh—do stand out.” Johnny shrugged. “I wouldn’t have the balls to attract attention like you do. What if some hater bashed you in an alley?”
    “What if some smoking-hot butch Native American construction dude brought his dick over and offered it to me? Living dangerously has its rewards,” Christian countered. He laid his head on Johnny’s shoulder again and snuggled closer. “So, you got a boyfriend? You two play around? If you’re in an open relationship, you could bring me home to him. I could do both of you. Maybe he’d like to fuck me and you could watch. You going to be in town long? I could show you around. I know all the good bars.”
    Even though he admired Christian in many ways, Johnny was a bit relieved that when he told him he traveled for his job and was leaving in the morning, he was telling the truth. Under Christian’s relentless questioning, he also offered up some stories about his encounters in highway restrooms just to keep things from getting too personal.
    “I always heard they were great places to pick up men, although, bathrooms! Ew!” Christian said. “I may have to break down and give it a try though if it’s as hot as you say.”
    It was another hour before Johnny managed to extricate himself, even though for the last quarter of it Christian had used his mouth for things other than talking. Mindful of Vern’s warning that he’d be left behind if he wasn’t on time, Johnny finally managed to get his jeans up and zipped and made it out of Christian’s room with time to spare to pack and fit in a short nap.
    Once again he had to run the gauntlet of Christian’s curious roommates giving catcalls and asking provocative questions about what had gone on in the room.
    “Did that stud drill you through the mattress? We could hear you screaming like a little girl all the way down here!”
    “Shut up, girls. Let my date leave with a shred of dignity,” Christian scolded them. His stage whisper of, “I’ll dish all the dirt after he’s gone!” made Johnny flush with embarrassment again.
    In the small entryway, Christian pulled Johnny down for their only kiss. “Thanks, sugar. Don’t worry, I’ll talk you up good to the girls. I’ll always remember this date.”
    “Yeah, me too.”
    Christian danced away from him before Johnny was even out the door, so he stopped with the door open a crack to listen.
    “Girls! My date gave me the 4-1-1 on where to hunt down grade-A, straight, willing, married cock! Road trip!”
    The twitter of raised voices gave Johnny a vivid mental image of a pink convertible crowded with obvious queens flashing sequins and feather boas on the highway. He had to grin at the thought of them descending on an unsuspecting rest area as a group, even though they would probably bring cleaning supplies and have the bathroom sparkling before they started cruising. He wouldn’t put it past them to get some action. The desperation of the closeted men he’d met on the road, dying for a mouth on their cock, was pitiful compared to these guys. They might be fey, but they were out and proud. It took real balls to face the world the way they did, but they seemed to thoroughly enjoy their lives. The joyous, exuberant way Christian acted made Johnny think about Cody, but then what didn’t make him think about Cody?
    “Fabulous,” he murmured and pulled the door shut.
    He doubted Christian would actually remember him, but he knew he’d never forget Christian.

    “I F ONLY Johnny were here, we could get those bulls loaded

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