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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
tomorrow’s show and you probably have nothing much to do. Why not at least have a drink with me? I’m HIV negative and I’m paying the bill. What have you got to lose?”
    Johnny looked at his watch. “I might have a whole stable of girls lined up waiting for me to pick them off one by one.”
    “No, you don’t.” March was still smiling as if they shared some kind of secret.
    “You’re making a pretty big assumption here.”
    It irritated Johnny, but the man’s confidence also made him want to laugh. In some ways he was like Cody, the charm, the bullheaded determination to go after what he wanted, the confidence that he wouldn’t lose. The good looks. The fucker was handsome. And hot.
    “And you might kick my ass if I were wrong, but I’m not wrong.”
    “I’m already in the dog house tonight because of you.”
    “Really? Why’s that? You seem like you’re excellent at your job.”
    “I wasn’t paying close enough attention to the action. I was worrying about why you were staring at me like I was prancing around the ring with no clothes on,” Johnny snapped.
    “You know what they say. What I think of you is none of your business. Never let an incidental annoyance get in the way of what you love.”
    Johnny flinched at the words but he wasn’t going to let some stranger get his goat. “You were being kind of obvious.”
    “Maybe I was having too good a time imagining you prancing around the ring with no clothes on.” March’s chuckle was warm, with no hint of threat. “But if so, it’s still none of your business.”
    “And what I look like without my clothes is none of yours,” Johnny retorted, feeling rightfully pleased with his response.
    “I hope to make it my business. You sure fill out a pair of jeans nice.”
    “What about the chance you’re taking? You don’t know me.”
    “A straight man wouldn’t even have noticed me looking, let alone look back. And if you weren’t interested, my cruising wouldn’t have bothered you. You’d laugh off the old fart in the stands.”
    “You mean silver bear,” Johnny corrected in a mutter.
    March threw back his head and laughed. “Thank you for proving my point. A straight man wouldn’t even know the term.” He stopped beside a silvery-aqua Jaguar XK convertible. “I’m staying at the Wingate Arms. Would you like to meet me there or can I offer you a lift?”
    More used to utility vehicles like the beat-up pickup Vern drove, Johnny was dazzled by the sports car. If Cody won the top prize at the finals, he would be able to afford one, although it would never occur to him to indulge in such a luxury. And for Johnny, at a bullfighter’s salary with the heavy health insurance premiums, this might be his only chance to ride in one.
    It took a bit of stomping his pride down to accept, because Johnny was sure March would take it as total capitulation to his charms rather than his car’s, but he said, “All right. One beer. I can’t afford a hangover tomorrow. I’ve got to prove I’m not a total loser to my boss.”
    “Hop in.”
    “Better than wearing out the boot leather. Thanks for the lift.” Johnny knew March knew he was saving his face by pretending it was just a ride with no strings, but now he was curious to see what the other man would try next.
    Sure enough, the knowing smile on March’s face almost made Johnny change his mind, but the older man only said, “I’ll put the top down.”
    Johnny was done at that point. After March unlocked the doors, Johnny got in, grateful at least that March didn’t treat him like a girl by coming around the car to open the door for him. They could have a beer, he’d listen to March’s pitch for comparison’s sake, and then he’d leave.
    It was edging toward evening and the sky was showing off a pink-and-gold sunset. Johnny took his hat off so he could feel the breeze blowing through his hair and hung his arm out over the door, catching the wind in his hand. It felt almost solid as it smacked against his palm. He was both relieved and a little disappointed that March made no attempt to touch him, not even a casual brush of the hand that could be passed off as an accident.
    Johnny didn’t even glance at the tiny rundown motel where he was staying when they passed it and drove closer to the part of the city where the expensive hotels and casinos were clustered.
    When they pulled up in front of the valet stand, Johnny decided with amusement that if March didn’t care what anyone

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