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Titel: Bullheaded Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Catt Ford
Vom Netzwerk:
tightened up, straining to hang on. This bull was getting near the end of his career and wasn’t bucking up to his past glory, a fact that cut Cody two ways. Not only did it make him think about his own career winding down, but he also knew the bull didn’t have the snap and power he once had. Embarrassing wasn’t the word if he fell off this one.
    The bull took off down the ring, throwing Cody back onto his pockets. Cody felt as though he’d never been on a bull’s back before. He just couldn’t find his center. Then the bull stutter-stepped a few paces.
    Cody could feel the rope slipping from his grasp and strained to hang on to the end of it. His hand suddenly went numb but he had tied on well and the rosin held. The bull dove left and Cody slid a tiny bit into the well. The bull might have been old but he was smart. As soon as he felt Cody’s weight go left, he ducked and turned right. Cody managed to hang on until just after the whistle when his hand popped out and the momentum launched him into the air. The bull continued to whip around and caught one of Cody’s legs, setting him spinning like a helicopter. He came down on both feet and was grateful he kept at least that much of his dignity until he realized he was facing the bull, who didn’t seem too happy. The bull charged him and Cody turned and ran for his life, completely forgetting to swerve like Johnny had showed him. He felt a horn slip under his vest and hoist him off his feet before sending him flying again while he wondered where the damn bullfighters were. He curled in a ball when he landed, rolling under the thundering hooves. He braced himself for impact, but miraculously the bull missed him with each foot.
    Chris Bellow came puffing up to him just then, heaving for breath and looking apologetic as he caught the bull’s attention and drew him off.
    “Fucking guy should know when to quit!” Cody muttered. He got to his feet, cringing at the irony of the aging bull, rider, and fighter, all coming together to create a comic moment for the audience. At least they were having a good time laughing it up. The bull was the only winner, but Cody could at least show he was a good sport by dodging when Jinks pretended to be a bull and came at him with both hands held to his head for horns.
    Cody forced a grin, swept off his hat, and bowed to the audience and then to Jinks. Still panting hard, Chris came by again, handing him his rope.
    “Sorry about that. I was a little late.”
    A little late. “Yeah, okay, thanks.” Cody managed not to growl as he took the rope with his off hand. He realized he was flexing his riding hand in an effort to get some feeling back into it. He was then forced to do the walk of shame down the entire length of the ring, getting sympathetic backslaps from the other two bullfighters, who peered at him anxiously. They knew Chris was a loser, but apparently so was he. At the gate, he looked up at the scoreboard.
    “The old bull scored higher than the rider at 44, and with 37 points for rider Cody Grainger adds up to 81” came the inexorable voice of the ring announcer. “At least Cody will make it to the next round, unless somebody knocks him out of the number nine spot. He’s on the bubble.”
    He might be done for the night. It would all depend on how many cowboys surpassed his score. At least he would have something to do helping Dub get ready for his ride.
    They were standing by the chute, Cody holding Dub’s rope when Dub said, “Say, isn’t it that bullfighter Johnny Arrow up in the stands sitting with your parents?”
    A fever of heat swept over Cody’s body, and he barely managed to keep his head from whipping around. What the hell was Johnny doing with them ? “Maybe,” Cody grunted.
    “What the hell? Wonder why they brought Chris back in. I hope they bring Johnny back for the finals. I know I voted for him.”
    “You did?” Cody whipped his head around to look at Dub in surprise.
    “Yeah. Good man to have your back in the ring.” Dub shrugged. “I guess we’ll find out. Maybe he got hurt.”
    “I think we would have heard.” Lurid imaginings of possible injuries roiled through Cody’s mind, but he couldn’t let it show. “Whatever.”

    O NCE the first round started, Johnny felt almost as if he’d be safer down in the ring. Val twitched and moved in her seat along with each rider. Once she even whacked Johnny with her free arm as if she were riding.
    “Sorry, Johnny. I get a little

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