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Call the Midwife: A True Story of the East End in the 1950S

Call the Midwife: A True Story of the East End in the 1950S

Titel: Call the Midwife: A True Story of the East End in the 1950S Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Jennifer Worth
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drugs of choice now are either syntometrine or syntocinon.
    Fehlings solution : A chemical used for testing for the presence of sugar in urine. The chemical is now used in a tablet form (clinitest), added to 5 drops urine and 10 of water. The colour of resulting solution is compared to a chart for a result.
    first stage of labour : From the start of regular painful contractions until the cervix (neck of the womb) is fully open.
    forceps delivery : If a baby becomes stuck in the mother’s pelvis during labour then forceps would be used to assist the delivery. Forceps are applied in two halves, one either side of the baby’s head, and the operator pulls gently on the forceps to deliver the baby. A low forceps delivery refers to the baby being low in the mother’s pelvis.
    full term : The duration of a pregnancy is (nine months) forty weeks. Full term is considered to be between thirty-eight and forty-two weeks of pregnancy. fundus : The top of the uterus.
    gallipot : A small glass or ceramic bowl for medicines or lotion.
    gas and air machine : Gas and air was a popular form of pain relief for labour. The air has now been exchanged for oxygen but is still usually called “gas and air”. The “gas” in current use is nitrous oxide.
    gestation : The number of weeks of pregnancy.
    gluteus muscle : Gluteus or gluteus maximus muscle is the large muscle in the bottom.
    IM : Intra muscular or into the muscle.
    IV : Intra Venous (IV) or intra venous infusion may be more commonly known as a drip. kidney dish : A kidney-shaped bowl available in various sizes to hold medical equipment.
    left side : Positioning women on their left side for delivery was popular for a while. Women are now encouraged to choose the position for delivery that is most comfortable for them; the left side or left lateral position is rarely used. lying in : A period of ten to fourteen days when a woman was confined to bed and was not expected to get up for any reason. This enforced bed rest created problems rather than encouraging recovery. Women are now expected to be up and out of bed very soon after the birth of the baby.
    macerated foetus : A baby that has been dead in the womb for a while and the skin has started to break down. mastitis : Inflammation or infection of the breast. Mauriceau-Smellie-Veit : A series of manoeuvres to deliver a breech baby. This method of breech delivery is still used by some midwives and obstetricians. mucus catheter : Mucus is now sucked from the baby’s mouth using gentle electrical suction rather than oral suction to prevent the spread of infection. multigravida : A woman who has had more than one pregnancy.
    nephritis : Kidney infection. nurse : The title of nurse is now rarely used for or by midwives. Midwifery is an entirely separate profession. Many midwives were trained as nurses but this dual qualification is now less common.
    occipital protuberance (or occiput) : The back of the baby’s head. oedema : Swelling caused by fluid retained in the tissues. oxytocic drugs : See ergometrine.
    paediatrician : A doctor who specialises in the care of babies and children. path. or path lab : A shortened term for a pathology laboratory where samples of blood would be sent for confirmation of infection.
    pelvic floor : The layer of muscle that lies across the lower part of the pelvis.
    perineum : The area between the vaginal opening and the anus. The perineum is often damaged in childbirth. A tear or cut (episiotomy) in the perineum may require stitches, but usually heals quickly.
    pinard : A pinard or foetal stethoscope is shaped like a listening trumpet and is placed on the abdomen of the woman so that the midwife can hear the foetal heartbeat.
    pitting oedema : Swollen skin will stay dented if pressure has been applied.
    placenta : Also known as the afterbirth. The placenta is attached to the wall of the uterus during pregnancy and separates after the birth of the baby.
    placenta praevia : When the placenta forms partly or wholly over the opening of the uterus. Severe bleeding can occur. Delivery is usually by Caesarean section.
    post-natal or post-partum : The six weeks following birth.
    post-partum delirium : Is now called puerperal psychosis; the less severe form is called post-natal depression.
    pre-eclampsia : A disease that is peculiar to pregnancy. The symptoms are high blood

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