Carpathian 22 - Dark Predator
—strong heart ( literally: heart of the warrior ).
ku —who; which; that.
kuć3 —star.
kuć3ak! —stars! ( exclamation ).
kuja —day, sun.
kuηe —moon; month.
kule —to hear.
kuly —intestinal worm; tapeworm; demon who possesses and devours souls.
kulke —to go or to travel (on land or water).
kulkesz arwa-arvoval, ekäm —walk with honor, my brother ( greeting ).
kulkesz arwaval—joηesz arwa arvoval —go with glory—return with honor ( greeting ).
kumpa —wave ( noun ).
kuńa —to lie as if asleep; to close or cover the eyes in a game of hide-and-seek ; to die.
kunta —band, clan, tribe, family.
kuras —sword; large knife.
kure —bind; tie.
kutni —to be able to bear, carry, endure, stand, or take.
kutnisz ainaak —long may you endure ( greeting ).
kuulua —to belong; to hold.
lääs —west.
lamti ( or lamt3) —lowland; meadow; deep; depth.
lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem —the netherworld ( literally: the meadow of night, mists, and ghosts ).
lańa —daughter.
lejkka —crack, fissure, split ( noun ). To cut; to hit; to strike forcefully ( verb ).
lewl —spirit ( noun ).
lewl ma —the other world ( literally: spirit land ). Lewl ma includes lamti ból jüti, kinta, ja szelem : the netherworld, but also includes the worlds higher up En Puwe , the Great Tree.
liha —flesh.
lõuna —south.
löyly —breath; steam. ( related to lewl: spirit ).
ma —land; forest.
magköszun —thank.
mana —to abuse; to curse; to ruin.
mäne —to rescue; to save.
maγe —land; earth; territory; place; nature.
me —we.
meke —deed; work ( noun ). To do; to make; to work ( verb ).
mića —beautiful.
mića emni kuηenak minan —my beautiful lunatic.
minan —mine; my own ( endearment ).
minden —every, all ( adj. ).
möért? —what for? ( exclamation ).
molo —to crush; to break into bits.
molanâ —to crumble; to fall apart.
mozdul —to begin to move, to enter into movement.
muonì —appoint; order; prescribe; command.
muonìak te avoisz te — I command you to reveal yourself.
musta —memory.
myös —also.
nä —for.
nautish —to enjoy.
nélkül —without.
nenä —anger.
nó —like; in the same way as; as.
numa —god; sky; top; upper part; highest ( related to the English word numinous).
numatorkuld —thunder (literally: sky struggle).
nyelv —tongue.
nyál —saliva; spit. ( related to nyelv: tongue ).
ηamaη —this; this one here; that; that one there.
ńiη3 —worm; maggot.
odam —to dream; to sleep.
odam-sarna kondak —lullaby ( literally: sleep-song of children ).
olen —to be.
oma —old; ancient; last; previous.
omas —stand.
omboće —other; second ( adj. ).
o —the ( used before a noun beginning with a consonant ).
ot —the ( used before a noun beginning with a vowel ).
otti —to look; to see; to find.
óv —to protect against.
owe —door.
päämoro —aim; target.
pajna —to press.
pälä —half; side.
päläfertiil —mate or wife.
palj3 —more.
peje —to burn.
peje terád —get burned ( Carpathian swear words ).
pél —to be afraid; to be scared of.
pesä (n.) —nest ( literal ); protection ( figurative ).
pesä (v.) —nest ( literal ); protect ( figurative ).
pesäd te engemal —you are safe with me.
pesäsz jeläbam ainaak —long may you stay in the light ( greeting ).
pide —above.
pile —to ignite; to light up.
pirä —circle; ring ( noun ). to surround; to enclose ( verb ).
piros —red.
pitä —to keep; to hold; to have; to possess.
pitäam mustaakad sielpesäambam —I hold your memories safe in my soul.
pitäsz baszú, piwtäsz igazáget —no vengeance, only justice.
piwtä —to follow; to follow the track of game; to hunt; to prey upon.
poår —bit; piece.
põhi —north.
pukta —to drive away; to persecutes; to put to flight.
pusm —to be restored to health.
pus —healthy; healing.
puwe —tree; wood.
rauho —peace.
reka —ecstasy; trance.
rituaali —ritual.
sa —sinew; tendon; cord.
sa4 —to call; to name.
saa —arrive, come; become; get, receive.
saasz hän ku andam szabadon —take what I freely offer.
salama —lightning; lightning bolt.
sarna —words; speech; magic incantation ( noun ). to chant; to sing; to celebrate ( verb ).
sarna kontakawk —warriors’ chant.
śaro —frozen snow.
sas —shoosh ( to a child or baby ).
sγe —to arrive; to come; to reach.
siel —soul.
sieljelä isäntä —purity
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