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D-Day. The Battle for Normandy

Titel: D-Day. The Battle for Normandy Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Antony Beevor
Vom Netzwerk:
    p. 435 ‘supply troops, maintenance platoons . . .’, Bayerlein, FMS A-901
    ‘The counterattack against Avranches . . .’, Gersdorff, Chief of Staff Seventh Army, FMS A-921
    ‘It was inconceivable . . .’,Eberbach, FMS A-922
    ‘Enemy shellfire began falling ...’, Eberbach, FMS A-922
    Feldgendarmerie and roving courts martial, Oberst Erich Helmdach, Ia Seventh Army, FMS B-822
    p. 436 Retreat of 1st SS Panzer-Division from Sourdeval, Eugen Finanz, MdC TE 351
    ‘Calvados still in German hands!’, Gefreiter Spiekerkötter, 2nd Pionier Kompanie, 265th Infanterie-Division, BA-MA MSg 2/ 5526
    p. 437 Panthers at 2ème DB headquarters, Service de Santé, 2ème DB, SHD-DAT 11 P 232
    ‘badly disguised’, Marc de Possesse, 2ème DB, MdC TE 361
    p. 438 ‘There was no one to take care of them’, 2nd Lieutenant R. W. Conger, 10th Tank Battalion, 5th Armored Division, NA II 407/427/24241
    Colonel McHugh, 318th Infantry, 80th Division, NA II 407/427/24242
    p. 439 ‘ Vive l’Amérique! ’, Rev. Père Roger Fouquer, Aumônier Divisionnaire, 2ème DB, MdC TE 825
    129 casualties, 8 August, SHD-DAT 11 P 219
    Alsatian deserter, MdC TE 351
    116th Panzer-Division in Argentan, Generalmajor Gerhard Müller, 116th Panzer-Division, FMS B-162
    ‘solid cork’, 2nd French Armored Division, NA II 407/427/24205
    ‘Upon capture . . .’, USAMHI, quoted in Carlo D’Este, Decision in Normandy , New York, 1983, p. 428
    ‘This corps could easily advance ...’, Blumenson (ed.), p. 508
    p. 440 For the effectiveness of anti-tank guns in defence see David Rowland, The Stress of Battle , Norwich, 2006, pp. 106-41
    p. 441 ‘Very hot - not good ...’, diary of Major Julius Neave, 13th/18th Hussars, SWWEC T501
    Montgomery and Berlin, Harry C. Butcher, Three Years with Eisenhower , London, 1946, p. 551
    p. 442 Tractable bombing attack, Terry Copp, Fields of Fire , Toronto, 2003, p. 229
    ‘The attack ordered by me . . .’, Eberbach, FMS A-922
    p. 443 ‘It is really a great plan ...’, Martin Blumenson (ed.), The Patton Papers, 1940- 1945 , New York, 1974, p. 510
    ‘Take Orléans at once’, Major General Gilbert Cook, commanding XII Corps, Third Army, NA II 07/427/24241
    ‘The number of cases ...’, Blumenson (ed.), p. 510
    ‘A few of the enlisted men ...’, George Silverton, Chief of X Ray Department, 2nd Evacuation Hospital, MdC TE 710
    6th Security Regiment captures American war correspondent, Heeresgruppe B, 14 August, BA-MA RH 19 ix/87
    p. 444 ‘We’d have been happy ...’, Gefreiter Spiekerkötter, 2nd Pionier Kompanie, 256th Infanterie-Division, BA-MA MSg 2/ 5526
    ‘a slimy paste’, Aitken Hughes diary, WLHUM RAMC 1771
    ‘more critical by the hour’, Heeresgruppe B, 14 August, BA-MA RH 19 ix/87
    ‘catastrophic’, Kriegstagebuch Panzer Group West, Fifth Panzer Army, BA-MA MSg 2/4831
    ‘swine ...’, Marshal of the RAF Lord Portal, OCMH-FPP
    p. 445 ‘I cannot pretend ...’, No. 742, Prime Minister to President, 4 August, TNA PREM 3/472
    ‘Ike said no . . .’, Butcher, p. 545
    ‘especially when the first paratroops ...’ General Warlimont, ETHINT 1
    p. 446 ‘One woman was raped ...’, M.R.D. Foot, SOE in France , London, 1966, p. 393 head of the Gestapo in Châteauroux killed, SHD-DAT 13 P 33
    ‘128 terrorists . . .’, BA-MA MSg 2/3242
    ‘reprisals cannot be harsh enough’, BA-MA M-854, quoted in Peter Lieb, Konventioneller Krieg oder Weltanschauungskrieg? , Munich, 2007, p. 463
    p. 447 the twenty-six worst massacres, ibid., pp. 574-80
    for a comprehensive and up-to-date discussion of French civilian casualty figures see ibid., pp. 412-15
    ‘counter-scorching’, Foot, p. 391
    p. 448 ‘military events having taken ...’, Faugère, AN F/1cIII/1166
    Laval and Pétain, AN F/1cIII/1166
    ‘regions where hideous . . .’,AN AJ/41/56
    ‘In the face of these barbarous acts ...’, TNA WO 171/337, quoted in Lieb, p. 396 p. 449 ‘I watched an open lorry ...’, John Colville, The Fringes of Power , London, 1985, p. 475
    ‘their look, in the hands ...’, Forrest C. Pogue, Pogue’s War , Lexington, Kentucky, 2001, p. 199
    ‘The French were rounding . . .’, Colonel McHugh, 318th Infantry, 80th Division, NA II 407/427/24242
    ‘an ugly carnival’, Alain Brossat, Les Tondues , Paris, 1992
    for the département of the Manche, see Michel Boivin, Les Victimes civiles de la Manche , Caen, 1994, p. 6
    p. 450 ‘Military police were posted ...’, Colville, p. 499
    ‘everything can

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