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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
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p. 49.
    104  “a waste of time”: Ibid.
    104  “We are forced to wonder”: Moore to Marshall, NAACP, June 30, 1944.
    104  “The life of a Negro”: Green, Before His Time , p. 50.
    104  It was a lesson: Ibid., p. 71.
    104  “Thus a man gets off”: Ibid.
    104  “Your letters on lynching”: Current to Moore, NAACP, July 3, 1947.
    105  “south of the South”: Raymond A. Mohl, “ ‘South of the South?’ Jews, Blacks, and the Civil Rights Movement in Miami, 1945–1960, ” Journal of American Ethnic History , Vol. 18, No. 2, Winter 1999.
    105  “troublemaker and Negro organizer”: Green, Before His Time , p. 61.
    105  Moore, however, was not: Author interview with Evangeline Moore, February 8, 2011.
    105  Recruiting his teenage daughter: Green, Before His Time , p. 65.
    106  “that rich Professor Moore”: Ibid., p. 246.
    107  “boldy challenge the”: “A Century of Racial Segregation, 1849–1950,” Library of Congress exhibition, “With an Even Hand: Brown v. Board at Fifty ,” http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/brown/brown-segregation.html.
    107  “the law functioned”: Martin, Brown v. Board of Education , p. 14.
    107  “He seems to be a fine sort”: Green, Before His Time , p. 41.
    107  “Thurgood was the savior”: Ibid., p. 42.
    108  “From 1882 to 1930”: Wilkerson, The Warmth of Other Suns , p. 320.
    108  “a black man had more risk”: Gainesville Sun , September 3, 2005.
    108  “prosecution of mob leaders”: Green, Before His Time , p. 87.
    108  “[l]ynching of negroes”: Ibid., p. 69.
    109  “hooded hoodlums”: Newton, The Invisible Empire , p. 117.
    109  “as a favor to a friend”: Ibid.
    109  “Since mob leaders are known”: Green, Before His Time , p. 87.
    109  “Have written him enough”: Ibid., p. 90.
    109  “sage and trial-trained Jesse Hunter”: Mount Dora Topic , July 2, 1949.
    110  “You don’t investigate”: Wexler, Fire in a Canebrake , p. 130.
    111  “The FBI has established”: Marshall to Clark, NAACP, December 27, 1946.
    111  “I have found from”: Williams, Thurgood Marshall , p. 159.
    111  “rushing pell-mell”: Fairclough: Race & Democracy , p. 116.
    111  “clear-cut, uncontroverted evidence”: Ibid., p. 117.
    111  “I . . . have no faith”: Wexler, Fire in a Canebrake , p. 191.
    112  In April 1947: Crisis , December 1955.
    112  “with his charming”: Williams, Thurgood Marshall , p. 161.
    112  “Give this matter”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    112  “Thurgood Marshall of the NAACP”: Ibid.
    112  “The Association and Hoover”: Greenberg, Crusaders in the Courts , p. 105.
    Chapter 9: Don’t Shoot, White Man
    114  “like you see in a western”: McCall, Willis V. McCall, Sheriff of Lake County , p. 23.
    114  “peddling bolita ”: New York Daily Compass , March 1, 1952.
    114  “a bearded, fantastic Negro”: Mount Dora Topic , FHW Papers, undated clipping.
    115  “had recently bought”: Ibid.
    115  “cozy arrangement”: New York Daily Compass , March 1, 1952.
    115  “well-entrenched”: Ibid.
    115  “the law enforcement officers”: Ibid.
    115  “Things were coming to a head”: Ibid.
    115  “Thomas was feeling his oats”: Ibid.
    115  “It was obvious”: McCall, Willis V. McCall, Sheriff of Lake County , p. 22.
    115  “only time in the whole investigation”: Ibid.
    116  “with some kin folks”: Coroner’s Inquest, MM 44-156, FBI.
    116  “settled down for the night”: McCall, Willis V. McCall, Sheriff of Lake County , p. 22.
    116  “we had not cased”: Ibid.
    116  “cotton patch and”: Coroner’s Inquest, MM 44-156, FBI.
    116  “cut his breechesb legs off”: Ibid.
    117  “That is him”: Ibid.
    118  “so much excitement”: Ibid.
    118  “Don’t shoot, white man”: Ibid.
    118  “belligerent as the devil”: Ocala Star Banner , July 27, 1949.
    118  “I was across on”: Coroner’s Inquest, MM 44-156, FBI.
    118  “but it was a bunch”: Ocala Star Banner , July 27, 1949.
    118  “above the eyes”: Ibid.
    118  “nearly 400 slugs”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 64.
    118  “there were other holes”: Coroner’s Inquest, MM 44-156, FBI.
    118  “when this negro”: Ibid.
    118  “Sheriff McCall of Lake County”: Ibid.
    118  “glaring flaws”: C.M.T. to Rowland Watts, WDL, May 8, 1951.
    119  “being told just the things”: Ibid.
    119  “have never
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