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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
Vom Netzwerk:
trusty”: Ibid.
    89  “Three Negroes Confess”: Ocala Star-Banner , July 19, 1949.
    89  “There’ll be no lynching”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 38.
    89  “We’re not going to”: Ibid.
    89  “I told her we”: Ibid.
    89  “Ku Klux Klan was”: “Mobile Violence: Motorized Mobs in a Florida County,” New South , Vol. 4, No. 6, August 1949.
    90  “That’s old Joe Maxwell’s house”: Sally Watt, Free Speech Radio News, January 1, 2002, http://www.archive.org/details/fsrn_20020101.
    90  “heard a window break”: Ibid.
    90  “You better not go down there”: Flores, Justice Gone Wrong , p. 20.
    90 “Sons of bitches”: Ibid.
    91  “You fellas don’t”: Ibid., p. 21.
    91  “We wanna wipe this place clean”: Ibid.
    91  “Don’t go out there”: Ibid.
    91  As McCall surveyed the crowd: MM 44-156, FBI.
    91  Groveland’s Curtis Merritt: Ibid.
    91  McCall also recognized: Ibid.
    91  “was the chief of”: Harry T. Moore Murder Investigation, Florida Attorney General’s Office of Civil Rights/Florida Department of Law Enforcement (Moore Report), Exhibit 53. (Hereafter cited as Moore Report.)
    91  “to tell where”: “Mobile Violence: Motorized Mobs in a Florida County.”
    91  “Why don’t you take that peashooter”: Flores, Justice Gone Wrong , p. 22.
    92  “I don’t know the names”: Ibid., p. 23.
    92  “Where is that son of a bitch”: McCall, Willis V. McCall, Sheriff of Lake County , p. 21.
    92  “I’ll tell him”: Flores, Justice Gone Wrong , p. 23.
    92  “down the road”: McCall, Willis V. McCall, Sheriff of Lake County , p. 21.
    92  “Go and get more ammunition”: New Leader , telegram to Governor Fuller Warren, NAACP, September 14, 1949.
    92    “miles of clay roads”: New Leader , August 13, 1949.
    92  “Little” Mary Hunter Valree: Miami Daily News , July 19, 1949. Also undated clipping, FHW Papers. (Franklin Williams kept a Groveland scrapbook that included many undated clippings from the Mount Dora Topic , as well as other newspapers.)
    93  “he knew all of the ringleaders”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    93  “terrorizing the negroes”: Ibid.
    93  “The next time”: “Murmur in the Streets,” Time , August 1, 1949.
    94  “had all of his life savings”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    95    “They tell me my chickens and ducks”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    95  “ravaged ghost”: New York Post , September 2, 1949..
    95  “Negro self-emancipation”: WDL, Report on Groveland.
    95  “the best preserve cellar”: New York Post , September 2, 1949.
    96  “No nigger has any right”: FOHP, Williams.
    96  “too damned independent”: New Leader , August 13, 1949.
    96  “uppity nigger”: Steven F. Lawson, David R. Colburn, and Darryl Paulson, “Groveland: Florida’s Little Scottsboro,” Florida Historical Quarterly , Vol. 65, No. 1, July 1986, p. 3.
    96  “smart nigger”: FOHP, Williams.
    96  “that somebody put”: “Groveland: Florida’s Little Scottsboro,” p. 4.
    96  “three twisted bed frames”: New Leader , August 2, 1949.
    96  “They should never let”: Ibid.
    97  He arrived at his property: J. P. Ellis to Franklin Williams, NAACP-LDF, undated, August 1949.
    97  “I keep getting orders”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    97  “My family is all scattered”: Ibid.
    97  “They’ll get out”: New Leader , August 13, 1949.
    97  “We’ll wait and see”: Orlando Sentinel , July 17, 1949.
    98  “If smart lawyers”: New Leader , August 13, 1949.
    98  “offered up as a”: Ibid.
    98  “Honor Will Be Avenged”: Mount Dora Topic , July 2, 1949.
    98  “any persons bearing arms”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    99  “too busy trying”: Ibid.
    99  “would result in”: Ibid.
    99    “positive action”: Ibid.
    99  “had agreed to stop”: Ibid.
    Chapter 8: A Christmas Card
    100  “You can either jump”: Hobbs, “Hitler Is Here,” p. 150.
    101  “Dear Fried”: Willie James Howard to Cynthia Goff, NAACP, January 1, 1943 [actually 1944].
    102  “the penalty of his crime”: Hobbs, “Hitler Is Here,” p. 150.
    102  “Willie, I cannot do”: Ibid.
    102  “terribly afraid of something”: Lula Howard affadavit, NAACP, March 19, 1944.
    103  “rather die”: Hobbs, “Hitler Is Here,” p. 149.
    103  “I am sure you realize”: Spessard L. Holland to Marshall, NAACP, February 14, 1944.
    103    “the type of material”: Green, Before His Time ,
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