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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
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been answered”: Ibid.
    119  “desperate to seal”: Ibid.
    119  “definite threat to”: Ibid.
    119  “broadly hinted”: New York Daily Compass , March 1, 1952.
    119  “Thomas was an bright”: Ibid.
    119  After the inquest: Flores, Justice Gone Wrong , p. 34.
    120  “learning to try cases”: Motley, Equal Justice Under Law , p. 70.
    121  “that terrible summer”: White, A Man Called White , p. 325.
    121  Truman “exploded”: Michael R. Gardner, “Harry Truman and Civil Rights: Moral Courage and Political Risks,” speech at University of Virginia, September 26, 2003, http://www.virginia.edu/uvanewsmakers/newsmakers/gardner.html.
    122  “a good platform person”: FOHP, Williams.
    122  “antimob violence fund”: Sullivan, Lift Every Voice , p. 320.
    122  he declared it “disgraceful”: Kluger, Simple Justice , p. 298.
    122  “make your hair stand on end”: FOHP, Williams.
    Chapter 10: Quite a Hose Wielder
    124  “Don’t worry, Mama”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 16.
    124  “You little son of a bitch”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    125  “Get out of the car”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    125  “Why did you rape”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    125  “Better talk”: Ibid.
    125  “Nigger, you the one”: Ibid.
    125  “the right ones”: Ibid.
    126  “solve your problems”: Green, The Negro Motorist Green Book , p. 3.
    126  “Now We Can Travel Without Embarrassment”: Ibid., p. 81.
    126  “This wanton killing”: Marshall to Clark, NAACP, July 27, 1949.
    126  “There is serious doubt”: Marshall to Warren, NAACP, July 27, 1949.
    127  “My aunt wanted to know”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 72.
    127  “Their heads were a mess”: FOHP, Williams.
    127  “Where is the guy”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    128  “They must have beat us”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    128  “These are not your tracks”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    128  “Nigger, you are”: Ibid.
    128  “a lot of motors”: Ibid.
    128  “They hit me”: Ibid.
    129  “he would get a thrill”: Ibid.
    129  “My mouth was bleeding”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    129  recognized as Wesley Evans: MM 44-156, FBI.
    129  “quite a hose wielder”: Ibid.
    129  “They tried to make me say”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    129  “saved all the beating”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    130  “right jaw appeared”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    130  “I was bleeding”: Ibid.
    130  “a mob was on its way”: Ibid.
    130  “Where are those”: Ibid.
    130  “really kicking him then”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    130  “red and bruised”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    131  “All of this is true”: Ibid.
    131  “was going to tell”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    132  “I have no shoes”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    132  “Jesus,” Greenlee had said: FOHP, Williams.
    132  “devoted to the Socialist”: New Leader , January/April 2006.
    132  “I been told by”: MM 44-127.
    132  “Sammy is a good boy”: Ibid.
    133  “If they had a picture”: Wormser, The Rise and Fall of Jim Crow , p. 166.
    133  “arrogance”: FOHP, Williams.
    133  “Had been communicated”: Ibid.
    133  “uppity Nigger”: “Florida’s Little Scottsoboro: Groveland,” Crisis , October 1949.
    133  “McCall knew exactly”: FOHP, Williams.
    134  “blood was still in their hair”: Ibid.
    134  “it was seldom”: Lawson, To Secure These Rights , p. 26.
    134  “The resources of the association”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 78.
    134  “entirely innocent”: Press release, NAACP, August 9, 1949.
    134  advised Harry T. Moore: Green, Before His Time , p. 92.
    135  “to indict the guilty mobsters”: Moore to Warren, Florida State Archives, July 30, 1949.
    135  “brutally beaten by local officers”: Ocala Star Banner , August 14, 1949.
    135  “duty bound”: McCall, Willis V. McCall, Sheriff of Lake County , p. 20. Also author interview with Isaac Flores, February 9, 2011.
    135  “It’s a damn lie”: Ocala Star Banner , August 14, 1949.
    136  “negroes in a yellow convertible”: FOHP, Williams.
    136  “very distinguished criminal lawyer”: Ibid.
    136  “You know, Franklin”: Ibid.
    136  “he would not raise any issue”: Ibid.
    136  “I can’t do this”: Ibid.
    137  “I was not completely at ease”: Ibid .
    137  “would give me some”: Ibid.
    137  “for failing to follow”: Tushnet, Making Civil Rights Law , p. 97.
    138  “You were in rare form”: Horne to Marshall, NAACP, August 9,
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