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Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America

Titel: Devil in the Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys, and the Dawn of a New America
Autoren: Gilbert King
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    138  “it would appear undesirable”: MM 44-127, FBI.
    138  “full and exhaustive investigation”: Ibid.
    138  “all of the persons interviewed”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    139  “a pair of pants”: Ibid.
    139  “asked them why”: Ibid.
    139  “population of thirty-six thousand”: Census of Population and Housing, U.S. Census Bureau, 1950 Census.
    140  “leading citizens”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    140  “caused by the people”: Ibid.
    140  “cleared the county”: Orlando Sentinel , December 3, 1997.
    140  “he wouldn’t have a building left”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    140  “watching the City Hall”: Ibid.
    141  “one man police department”: Ibid.
    141  “affirmative action”: Ibid.
    141  “County Sheriffs openly joined”: Moore Report, p. 7.
    141  “I believe the only thing”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 35.
    142  “Bay Lake region people”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    142  “They might have got in a fight”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 88.
    142  “physician who examined”: MM 44-156, FBI.
    143  “Report of Accident”: Ibid.
    143  “I knew that this would be”: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 94.
    144  Unable to fulfill: Orlando Sentinel , July 5, 1992.
    144  “one full day of work”: Mount Dora Topic , September 1, 1949.
    145  “The University of Scuffletown”: Ibid.
    145  “filled with odds and ends”: Ibid.
    145  “a tin building”: Mount Dora Topic , August 25, 1949.
    145  “He was almost a caricature”: FOHP, Williams.
    145  “Where is the third defendant?”: Ibid.
    145  “The dirty bastard”: Williams to Wilkins, NAACP-LDF, August 25, 1949.
    146  “We are not the defendants”: Ibid.
    146  “Well, come on in”: FOHP, Williams.
    146  “It was very clear”: Ibid .
    146  “in shirt sleeves”: Williams to Wilkins, LDF, undated.
    146  “lawless mobs were roaming”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Affidavit, p. 78.
    146  “Filed too late”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 1, p. 78.
    147  “by persons purporting”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Affidavit, p. 78.
    147  “completely irrelevant”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 1, p. 320.
    147  good faith reasons: Fl. v. Shepherd , Affidavit, p. 44.
    147  “extremely inconvenient”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 1, p. 4.
    147  “Every time” the defendants: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 96.
    148  “disgusting an disheartening”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Vol. 2, p. 191.
    148  “What are those nigger lawyers”: Fl. v. Shepherd , Affidavit, p. 79.
    148  “Nigger lawyers better”: Ibid.
    148  Particularly hard hit: Barnes, Florida’s Hurricane History , p. 184.
    149  So it wasn’t much of a surprise: Corsair, The Groveland Four , p. 99.
    Chapter 11: Bad Egg
    150  “If I were asked”: MM 44-156, FBI. Dr. Binneveld’s examination of Norma Padgett on the morning of July 16, 1949, was taken from a report made by Agent John L. Quigley on September 2, 1949, from Agent Watson Roper’s investigation and interview with the physician. In this report, Quigley noted that when U.S. Attorney Herbert S. Phillips in Tampa learned of the FBI’s interview with Binneveld and the examination of Norma Padgett’s medical report, Phillips wired FBI offices with instructions to “discontinue investigation in this matter.”
    151  “highly regarded” Dr. Geoffrey Binneveld: Ibid.
    153  “Dirty Commie”: Robeson, The Undiscovered Paul Robeson , p. 168.
    153  “Go back to Russia!”: Ibid.
    153  “We were having enough trouble”: Rise, The Martinsville Seven , p. 60.
    153  “If you were a Negro”: COHP, Marshall.
    153  “Franklin Williams had”: Greenberg, Crusaders in the Courts , p. 101.
    154  “was to go into”: Thurgood Marshall, “Remarks at a Testimonial Dinner Honoring Raymond Pace Alexander, November 25, 1951,” Tushnet, Thurgood Marshall , p. 140.
    154  “giv[ing] foreign governments”: Ibid., p. 140.
    154  “high-powered petitions”: Ibid.
    154  “only the movement”: Rise, The Martinsville Seven , p. 66.
    155  “These cases, the Groveland cases”: Marshall to Patterson, LDF, June 9, 1950.
    155  “Dear Steve”: Marshall to Spingarn, LDF, June 18, 1950.
    155  “I never believed”: FOHP, Williams.
    155  “can come up with more ideas”: Presidential Recordings Program, Lyndon Johnson Tapes Transcripts, Monday, January 3, 1966: Thurgood Marshall, Lyndon Johnson, participants,
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