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Double Cross

Double Cross

Titel: Double Cross Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: James Patterson
Vom Netzwerk:
and laptop computers.
People did work here
—good sign.
    A glass wall separated the unit from the busy corridor outside.
    Bree, Sampson, and I grabbed chairs and sat down in Kitzmiller’s stall. He was about my age, fit, and with that blinding head of hair.
    “I can’t really source any of the audio,” he said, “but I did compare the screams on what the blogger calls Channel Two against the videotape from the original crime scene. It’s almost definitely a match. But that’s not quite the same as a forensic link between the blog and the killer. Theoretically, anyone could have posted this.”
    “You mean, if someone else had access to the recording,” I said. “We’re all in agreement that the audio is original, right?”
    “Sure,” he said. “So it’s either your suspect or someone who was given access by the suspect. Hard to tell about that for sure yet.”
    “Let’s focus on one thing at a time,” Bree said. “You told me on the phone that the blog was posted from Georgetown University? Is that right?”
    “Or, at least,
Georgetown. That’s the basic problem I’m seeing already, Bree. Whoever put up the blog knew how to cover his or her tracks fairly well.”
    “Proxy server?” Sampson asked. His little niches of expertise always surprised me.
    Kitzmiller smiled appreciatively at Sampson, but then he shook his head. “Negative.
, actually. He used an open proxy. Universities are notoriously easy marks for this kind of thing. Any boob can remotely attach their IP address from anywhere, and wham—you’ve got an untraceable site. All I can get you is a location. Nothing about identity.”
    “Any suggestions at all?” Bree asked. “We really need your help on this.”
    “Sure. I understand your frustration, Detective. My suggestion is that you get totally involved on your end. Jump in the deep water with me. We’ll keep paddling around here, but you’ll be glad if you do some stirring of your own. Believe me, a whole lot of detritus turns up online. You’d be surprised what you might find.”
    “Honestly, I don’t know the first thing about cyberforensics,” Bree said.
    “You don’t have to. I’m not talking about cracking code, here. I’m talking about a large community that needs to be canvassed. The whole blogosphere.”
    Kitzmiller started pulling up several new windows at once, layered over one another on the screen to show us what he was getting at.
    “First of all, we’ve got everyone who posted responses to the original blog. There was the MY REALITY site, for example. It’s already been taken down, but there were more than three dozen separate screen names for people who had replied to at least one of his entries. So that’s a pretty good start. You remember the old shampoo commercial? ‘You tell two friends, and they tell two friends, and so on and so on’? Same thing here. Some number of people read this, then turn around and talk about it on their own blogs, and the scope goes up exponentially. Chat rooms too.
    “Now add to that the fact that you’ve got a killer who apparently likes to be in the spotlight. There’s a good chance he’ll stay a part of the community in some way. People intersect. You find the right intersection, maybe you solve your case, find your killer, go into the Detectives’ Hall of Fame.”
    “That’s a lot of
,” Bree said. “I don’t like
    People had been talking about cyberspace as the new frontier in law enforcement for years now. It looked like I was about to get my first extensive taste of it.
    Kitzmiller ran a simple Google blog search for us to illustrate his point. He searched
Audience Killer
and got a whole screenful of responses.
    “Wow,” said Bree. “I’m kind of impressed already. Or maybe I should say
. That’s a lot of detritus.”
    Sampson added, “Fuck! It’s an epidemic.”
    “You notice he never uses that full title on his own site. That’s probably why you hadn’t found it earlier. Even so, right here you’ve got more than eighty other strands that mention him, and two specifically dedicated to the subject. And he presumably hasn’t even hit three homicides yet.”
    “Does the fact that he’s courting the attention speed all this up?” I asked.
    “Sure, it does. There’s a voracious audience for all this stuff on the Internet. Most people say they abhor the killing, and a lot of them actually do, I’m sure. What you end

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