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Eye for an Eye

Eye for an Eye

Titel: Eye for an Eye Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: T F Muir
Vom Netzwerk:
thank me, Andy, I should warn you that Chief Inspector Patterson has applied for a warrant for your arrest on the grounds of sexual assault against Alexandra Garvie.’
    ‘I have heard, sir.’
    ‘Lord above us, is nothing sacred?’ Another pause, then, ‘I’m assuming there’s nothing in it, Andy.’
    ‘That’s correct, sir.’
    ‘I’ll be keeping a close eye on it, Andy. But I won’t be stopping the charge.’
    Something sank to the pit of Gilchrist’s stomach. ‘Sir?’
    ‘I can’t be seen to stand above the law. If the chief inspector believes he has sufficient evidence to charge you, then charge you he must. Let the chips rest where they fall.’
    Gilchrist held on to the phone. ‘I see, sir.’
    ‘Good luck, Andy. And do give our regards to Gail.’ With that, McVicar disconnected.
    Gilchrist looked at his mobile and depressed the POWER button. For what he was about to do, he could not afford to be interrupted. He had until tomorrow morning to clear his name.
    Sebbie looked down at Alice.
    Her naked body lay spread-eagled on the bloodied sheet. He eyed the slit of her vagina and tried to recall what he had felt when he pushed his penis into her.
    But he felt nothing. Not a thing.
    Not even the anger that had boiled from deep within him when she had first stepped out of her panties. That was gone, too. He kneeled, ran the palm of his hand over what was left of her pubic hair, nothing more than a thin strip shaved to satisfy Dieter’s sexual longings.
    He stared at her closed eyes. ‘Why did you shave it off?’ he asked, and poked a finger into the hard skin of her inner thigh. ‘Huh? Can you tell me?’
    ‘Cat caught your tongue?’
    He stood and pulled down his zip, took out his flaccid penis and pointed it at her stomach, his spray splashing off her hard skin. Midstream, he turned to Dieter’s body and sprayed his face. Yellow urine splashed into his open eyes and the black hole of his mouth.
    ‘Cat caught your tongue, too?’ Sebbie laughed.

    Gilchrist walked up to the bar. ‘I’m looking for a favour.’
    Fast Eddy frowned at him. ‘Easy there, big feller. What’s the other guy like?’
    ‘All my own work,’ said Gilchrist, not wanting to get into it. ‘Had a fight with a cricket bat.’
    ‘Try to hit it for six?’
    ‘Something like that.’
    ‘Well, take my advice, mate.’ Fast Eddy shoved a pint glass under the tap. ‘Drink plenty of beer to ease the pain. This one’s on me.’
    ‘Can’t,’ said Gilchrist. ‘I’m on medication.’
    ‘Perfect. Twice the bang for half the price.’ Fast Eddy continued pouring. ‘Haven’t seen Old Willie since you were here last. You heard from him?’
    Gilchrist shook his head. ‘Anyone call his home?’
    ‘Couldn’t tell you, mate. There you go, Andy. That should top you up.’
    Gilchrist stared at his beer, its smooth head spilling down the side of the glass. It looked good enough to eat. He clasped the glass. He felt fine, a bit stiff, perhaps, but the pain had all but gone. He lifted the pint to his lips, took a mouthful, and returned it to the bar.
    ‘Now, was that not worth waiting for?’
    ‘Bloody marvellous,’ said Gilchrist.
    Someone called out and Fast Eddy glanced to the end of the bar. ‘Two Bloody Marys, darling? That what you’re after? One of them a Virgin? Not many of those around.’ He gave one of his infamous chuckles and said, ‘Gotcha, darling. Coming right up,’ and jammed a glass under the vodka optics, removed two sticks of celery from the fridge and turned back to the bar. ‘You were saying something about a favour, Andy. What can I do you for?’
    Gilchrist leaned closer. ‘I’m looking for Maggie. She still work here?’
    Fast Eddy chopped one of the celery sticks. ‘Not for much longer,’ he growled. ‘Stuck her head in here first thing and told me she was chucking it.’
    ‘Handing in her notice?’
    ‘What notice?’
    ‘Do you know where’s she going?’
    ‘Do I look like I give a toss? Left me in a right old stink, so she did. Had to promise her time and a half just to persuade her to stay on for two more nights while I try to find new staff.’ He sprinkled several drops of Worcestershire sauce into each glass. ‘What about your week’s notice? I asked her. What about it? she said. I’m not a happy camper, Andy, let me tell you. There you go, darling. One Bloody. One Virgin. Now let me guess which one is for you.’ Another chuckle, accompanied

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