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Forever Odd

Forever Odd

Titel: Forever Odd Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Dean Koontz
Vom Netzwerk:
at all; they will be only collections of personal preferences and prejudices.
        The less depth a belief system has, the greater the fervency with which its adherents embrace it. The most vociferous, the most fanatical are those whose cobbled faith is founded on the shakiest grounds.
        I would humbly suggest that collecting someone’s ti bon ange -whatever that might be-by forcing him to swallow a gemstone, then eviscerating him and collecting the stone from his stomach, is proof that you are fanatical, mentally unsteady, no longer operating within classic Western philosophy, and not suitable to be a contestant in the Miss America Pageant.
        Of course, because it was my stomach threatened by the sexy eviscerator, you might feel that I am biased in this analysis. It’s always easy to charge prejudice when it’s the other guy who’s being disemboweled.
        Datura had found her truth in a mishmash of occultisms. Her beauty, her fierce will to power, and her ruthlessness drew to her others, like Andre and Robert, whose secondary truth was her weird system of magical thinking and whose primary truth was Datura herself.
        As I watched the woman restlessly circle the room, I wondered how many of the employees in her business operations-the on-line porn store, the phone-sex operation-had gradually been replaced with true believers. Other employees, with empty hearts, might have been converted.
        I wondered how many men like these two she could call upon to murder in her name. I suspected that although they were strange, they were not unique.
        What must the women be like who were their gender’s equivalents of Andre and Robert? You wouldn’t want to leave your children with them if they ran a day-care center.
        If an opportunity arose for me to escape, disarm the package of explosives, get Danny out of this place, and finger Datura for the police, I would be hated by the fanatics devoted to her. If that circle proved to be small, it might quickly fragment. They would find other belief systems or settle back into their natural nihilism, and soon I would mean nothing to them.
        If on the other hand her cash-gushing enterprises served as the fountainhead of a cult, I would have to take more precautions than just relocating to a new apartment and changing my name to Odd Smith.
        As if energized by the swords of lightning ripping through the sky, Datura pulled a fistful of long-stemmed red roses from one of the vases and gestured with them, lashing the air, as she shared her supernatural experiences.
        “In Paris, in the sous-sol of a building that occupying Germans used as a police headquarters after the fall of France, a Gestapo officer named Gessel raped many young women in the process of his interrogations, whipped them, too, and killed some for pleasure.”
        Crimson petals flew from the roses as she emphasized Gessel’s brutality.
        “One of his most desperate victims fought back-bit his throat, tore open his carotid artery. Gessel died there in his own abattoir, which he haunts to this day.”
        An entire tattered bloom broke from its stem and landed in my lap. Startled, I brushed it to the floor as though it had been a tarantula.
        “At the invitation of the current owner of that building,” said Datura, “I’ve visited that sous-sol , which is actually a sub-basement two floors below the street. If a woman disrobes there and offers herself…I felt Gessel’s hands all over me-eager, bold, demanding. He entered me. But I couldn’t see him. I had been promised I would see him, a full-blown apparition.”
        In sudden anger, she threw down the roses and ground one of the blooms under her heel.
        “I wanted to see Gessel. I could feel him. Powerful. Demanding. His everlasting rage. But I couldn’t see him. That last best proof, seeing , eludes me.”
        Drawing quick shallow breaths, face flushed, not because the violent gestures taxed her but because her anger excited her, she approached Robert, who sat across the table from me, and held out her right hand to him.
        He brought her palm to his mouth. For a moment I thought that he was kissing her hand, a strangely gentle moment for a pair of savages like them.
        His subtle sucking sounds belied his tender manner.
        At the window, Andre turned from the storm that thus far had entranced him. Dancing candlelight brightened his face but did not

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