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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
    Ramon nodded. “Looks that way. Best quarter since 2007. Seems like business is finally turning around.”
    “Great,” Victor said. “I was starting to get worried.”
    Ramon cocked an eyebrow. “There’s no reason to worry about me. You know I always have a handle on things. You still planning to come down and visit before the end of the year?”
    “Yes.” Victor nodded.
    Ramon smiled. “You gonna bring Cara when you come? I’m sure she’d love it.”
    Determined not to let Ramon embarrass him again, Victor offered a casual shrug and said, “Maybe. Cara actually has a little boy who’d probably love to make a mess of himself there.”
    Cara nodded. “He loves animals. He rode a pony at a birthday party a few months ago and it was all he talked about for days.”
    Ramon chuckled. “How old is he?”
    “Three, almost three and a half,” Cara said.
    Victor said, “He’s really cute. And really smart.”
    “Thanks.” Cara grinned.
    “So, are you divorced?” Ramon asked.
    Cara quickly shook her head. “No. Never married.”
    Ramon nodded. “Does the father live around you? Joint custody?”
    Victor let out a loud sigh of displeasure, although he secretly wanted to know how she would answer. “Cara, please forgive my nosy brother.”
    Cara gulped. “It’s okay. Isaac’s dad isn’t around, at all.”
    Ramon said, “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to pry. Always curious about that. Did Victor tell you we grew up without a dad?”
    Cara nodded. “Yes. He mentioned that.”
    “There was Mr. Platt,” Victor said. “Henry Platt. He’s the benefactor who moved us to Texas when we were kids. He was like a father.”
    Cara noticed Ramon’s face darken at the mention of Henry Platt. Hesitantly, she asked a question. “It’s really nice that you had such a generous benefactor. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anything like that before.”
    Victor and Ramon both nodded.
    “Yes,” Victor said. “It was like winning the lottery. I don’t know where we would be without him.” He sighed. “I tried to call him to say I was in the area but I got a message saying he’s out of town. It was kind of weird. You know what that’s about?”
    Ramon shrugged. “He’s the same old asshole he always was. That’s what it’s about.”
    Victor glared at Ramon. “Come on, now. Whatever differences you’ve had, he doesn’t deserve that.”
    The drinks came right then and Ramon immediately brought his to his lips, ignoring Victor’s rebuke.
    An hour later, they were almost finished with their entrees. Ramon plied Cara with stories of their upbringing, most of them making Victor laugh. Some made his cheeks turn pink.
    After Cara’s third rum and coke she excused herself to go to the ladies’ room.
    “So.” Ramon put his elbows on the table, leaning forward. “You’re dating a girl who has a kid?”
    “What’s wrong with that?” Victor asked.
    “Nothing. Just never knew you to do that before. Sounds like you just met her and you’re already pretty serious.”
    Victor wiped his mouth with his napkin then placed it on the table. “It seems to be heading in that direction. At least, I hope it is.”
    “Be careful. You date a girl like that, you’re dating the kid, too.”
    “I’ve considered that very carefully and I’ve decided I like the idea.” Victor picked up his water. “I’m not sure if Cara’s too keen on the idea but she seems to be warming up to it.”
    “She looked a little weird when I asked about the father, don’t you think?”
    Victor shrugged. “Could’ve just been because a stranger asked her a question that was pretty damn intrusive.”
    “Yeah, maybe,” Ramon said. “You ever think about our father?”
    “What’s there to think about? We never knew him.”
    “Hmm. You still believe that?”
    “Ah, Ramon.” Victor frowned. “You and your conspiracy theories.” He looked up as he saw Cara reenter the room. “Here she comes.”
    Ramon smiled as he watched his brother’s face light up, and his eyes follow his new love interest through the room. Ramon had long ago forgotten how it felt to be jealous of his brother, until tonight.

Chapter Eleven
     “So, your brother’s single?” Cara asked as she snuggled up to Victor on the elevator. They were in their hotel, on the way to their rooms.
    “Why? You’re not interested, are you?”
    “Good.” He kissed her forehead. “Why do you ask?”
    “My best friend Marcy’s

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