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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
and tie in his room. His shirt was unbuttoned, exposing the thin T-shirt he wore underneath.
    He put his arms around her back and kissed her as he walked her backward into the room until the door slammed shut. Then he pulled away. “Wait. It’s too dark in here.”
    “No it’s not. There’s plenty of light coming in from outside. The moon’s almost full.”
    “No, no, no. Don’t be one of those women, Cara. I wanna see the beautiful body I’m about to make love to.”
    Cara tried to grin as warmth rushed to her cheeks. “That’s really sweet. But I don’t feel comfortable with the lights on.”
    “But I’ve been looking forward to this. I suppose we’ll have to compromise.” With a sigh, he let her go and walked to the desk. “Here. A desk lamp. Perfect.”
    Suddenly, the small light came on and the room was brighter.
    “See?” he said. “It’s dim enough for you and bright enough for me.”
    “I don’t know…”
    “Cara.” He came up to her and put his arms around her, his hands sliding down to her butt where he grabbed a chunk in each hand. “I can’t wait to see what’s under that robe. Believe me, I won’t be disappointed.”
    Cara swooned for a moment, then caught herself. “I hope you’re right about that.”
    With a resigned sigh, he let go of her and sat at the foot of the bed. “All right,” he said. “Now take off the robe.”
    Every nerve in her body tightened with fear. She could only stare down at the floor, unable to speak.
    “Cara.” He softened his voice. “Please. Take it off. I’ve waited so long—”
    Her voice was weak. “That’s not true. We’ve only known each other a few weeks.”
    “Fine. Maybe it just feels like that long because I’ve thought about you so much. Come on, querida .” He looked in her eyes with a pained expression. “Please, give me this.”
    “I can’t…”
    “Yes, you can. One step at a time. First, untie the belt…”
    The first guy I’ve slept with in four years wants to see me naked? I should’ve asked to bring a bottle of rum back to my room. She closed her eyes and did as he requested, slowly untying the belt at her waist and letting the ends dangle at her sides.
    “Good.” Victor grinned. “Now take each side of the robe and pull it away from your body. Start with the right side, then the left.”
    It had to be done. There was no getting out of it, not now. She took a slow breath, closed her eyes, and opened the right side of the robe, then the left, as he instructed. A draft of air hit her naked flesh, making her shiver.
    An uncontrollable, eager moan escaped Victor’s throat. He said, “Come here.”
    She opened her eyes just enough to see her way to the bed where he sat, shuffling along until her knees touched his.
    He reached around her, hands sliding under the robe to the backs of her thighs, holding her steady as he whispered, “I don’t know what you’re so worried about.” He lightly kissed her stomach, nearly making her giggle. “I’m so glad you’re mine tonight.”
    Cara cried out in pleasure and went weak at her knees when she felt the warmth of his lips around her breast. When his tongue circled her nipple, her mouth dropped open and she grabbed the back of his head, holding him there. “Yes…yes.”
    Victor spent a while there, losing himself in the fullness of her breasts. His hands slowly crept up her back until they arrived near her shoulders. Then he stood up, kissing her lips to distract her while he gently pulled at the arms of the robe.
    She was too wrapped up in his kiss to realize her only covering had fallen to the floor behind her. When she shivered, he pulled her closer, crushing her in a tight embrace to keep her warm.
    Seconds later, he surprised her by spinning her around to the bed. She had barely let out a gasp when he hovered over her on his elbows, letting his body weight rest lightly on top of her.
    Victor nibbled her ear, then her neck.
    Cara whispered, “Why am I the only one naked?”
    He let out a playful moan. “Because I’m your boss and I want you that way.” He kissed her again before she could respond. As his tongue worked inside her mouth, he reached down between their bodies to part her legs. His fingers were bold, stroking her where she was wet and swollen.
    Cara’s thoughts about her own body were completely replaced by thoughts about Victor’s. His fingers, his tongue. The erection she could feel, rubbing against her bare thigh. She reached down to

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