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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
“Goodbye,” when Alexis ended the call.
    Alexis hung her head, quietly crying in the middle of the crowded restaurant. It was time to plan her next move. She had no idea it would hurt so much to think Victor may have an interest in another woman. Whatever it took, she would get him back.
    Men don’t say, “no” to Alexis Whitt .
    * * *
    At five o’clock, Cara and Victor greeted Gary as they walked to Cara’s office.
    Victor waited for Cara to set her laptop bag down, then he shut the door behind them and pulled her into a kiss.
    Cara never thought she would feel so comfortable kissing a man in the office, let alone her boss. But she came back from Houston with a new sense of confidence, ready to see where life would take her and Victor.
    His tongue searched her mouth desperately until he absolutely had to pull away. “I’m sorry. I’ll be late for a dinner meeting if I don’t leave now. I’d ask you to join me but I’ve already kept you from Isaac for too long.”
    Cara nodded. “I understand.”
    “Please tell him Big Toe says hi.” Victor laughed. “I’ll call you tonight, hopefully not too late.” He gave her another peck on the lips, then opened the door and left.
    Cara walked to her chair and sat down, taking a moment to steady herself before docking her laptop to finish some work. Her life had never felt more like a whirlwind, and for once, she appreciated the sudden changes instead of doing everything in her power to stop them.
    After she was settled in at her desk, she found her cell phone in her purse and dialed Marcy.
    “ Cara? ” Marcy answered.
    “Hey. How are you?”
    Marcy let out a little gasp. “ Me? No, no, no. You better be calling to tell me all about what happened with Mr. Boss Man. Especially after that little text message you sent this morning .”
    Cara giggled and peered through her door to make sure Gary was busy at his desk. “I don’t know where to start. He’s amazing, Marcy.”
    “ Yeah, I’ll bet. Did he show you some amazing moves last night? ”
    “Shut up!” Cara felt her cheeks blush. “And yes.”
    Marcy cackled. “ It’s about time! Details! I need details! ”
    “Not now. I’m at work. You free to come over tonight?”
    “ Maybe. Lost one of my offices today. Got swiped out from under me by some other cleaning crew .”
    “Oh, I’m so sorry…”
    “ It’s okay. I’ll figure it out. So, back to you. Is it getting serious? Or is it just a sizzling hot work fling? ”
    “I really don’t know.” Cara bit her fingernail. “He says we’re dating.”
    “ Well, what do you say? Are you dating or not? ”
    “Yeah. I suppose we are.”
    “ Good. I was gonna slap you if you said no to that .”
    Cara laughed for a moment. “But it’s a little scary. He says if we don’t work out he’ll find me another job. How do I know he’s telling me the truth?”
    “ Stop freaking out. Just let it happen .”
    “I’m not freaking out. I’m a lot calmer than I sound.” Cara sucked in a breath. “I remember what I wanted to tell you. He has a brother. Ramon.”
    “ Okay. A single brother? ”
    “ So…you wanna introduce me? ”
    “Maybe, but there’s a slight catch. He lives in Texas.”
    “ Texas? ”
    “Yes. He lives on a ranch.”
    “ Huh? A ranch? Like, with cows and stuff? ”
    “Yes, with cows and stuff. It’s the same ranch where Victor and his brothers grew up.”
    “ Huh .” Marcy paused. “ Would he move to Jersey, you think? ”
    “It’s doubtful. But he’s so gorgeous. Totally your type.” Cara smiled as she imagined introducing the two. Marcy was a curvy, pretty brunette who seemed cursed with bad luck when it came to picking the right men. Maybe she just needs someone else to do the picking , Cara thought.
    “ Hmm. Well, you never know. ” Marcy sighed. “ Let’s work on you first, though .”
    “Okay. Just wanted to let you know about him. Hey, I probably better go. I have a few things to do before I leave.”
    “ See you tonight .”
    At five-thirty, Cara strolled through the parking garage, dangling her keys in her hand. As she approached her car, the door of a small Mercedes convertible opened two spaces away from her. Cara’s neck tensed when she saw the woman who stepped out of it.
    “Are you Cara?” Alexis asked.
    Cara stopped in her tracks. “Excuse me?”
    Alexis took off her sunglasses and slinked toward Cara, her stilettos clacking loudly across the pavement. She

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