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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
again. Cara stepped around Tom as Patty began to talk to him, leading him into the kitchen.
    When Cara opened the front door, she fell forward to give Marcy a quick hug. “Thanks for coming by. You have no idea what a weird day I’ve had.”
    “What? Did something happen? Last time we spoke you were doing great.”
    “I know. I thought about calling you but it was too much to talk about over the phone. Victor’s ex ambushed me in the parking garage.”
    Marcy’s hand went to her chest. She gasped. “No! That’s crazy!”
    “What’d she say? What’d she do?”
    “Hold on, let’s get you inside.” Cara stepped back and opened the door wide. “We can go up to my room for some privacy for a minute. Mom has company…” As Marcy walked past her, a car parked on the street caught Cara’s eye. It looked like the same blue sedan with dark tinted windows she saw in the parking garage on Monday morning. “Oh my God. What the…”
    “What?” Marcy looked over her shoulder at the street. “You see something?”
    “Yeah. I swear, Monday morning I had this feeling like someone was watching me before work. It’s the same car, I think. I remember the windows. They’re so dark, I’m surprised they’re legal.”
    “You think someone’s in there watching you right now?” Marcy’s voice got quiet. “Like, Mr. Sexy Boss Man? Is he having you followed?”
    “I have no idea. I sure hope not.” She took one last look at the car, then shut the front door, her heart racing with fear. She walked to the kitchen to find Patty. “Mom, do you know anything about the blue car parked along the street? Has it been there all day?”
    “What blue car?” Patty asked.
    “It’s a blue four door car,” Cara said. “Really dark tinted windows.”
    Tom’s eyebrows shot up. “Why do you ask?”
    “Oh no.” Cara’s blood ran cold. “It’s yours?” She walked backward as she contemplated taking Isaac’s hand and running out the front door. “Were you watching me in the parking garage at work on Monday morning?”
    Tom winced, scratching the back of his neck. “I can explain.”
    Patty’s eyes widened. “Monday morning? We didn’t meet until yesterday afternoon.”
    “Please, please, I beg you,” Tom said. “Let me explain. I’m sorry if I scared you.”
    Patty picked up a large kitchen knife from the block behind her. “Stay away from me. I may not look like much but I know how to use this.”
    Cara glanced around for Isaac. She was relieved to hear him playing loudly in the living room where he couldn’t see his grandma threatening a man with a knife.
    Tom held up his hands, waving them rapidly in front of him. “Patty, it’s really not what you think.”
    “You better talk fast, mister,” Patty said. “Or I’m calling for help.”
    Tom turned to Cara. “I was hired by Alexis Whitt to spy on you. I’m a private investigator.” He looked at Patty. “That’s why I was at the park. Alexis wanted me to get information about Isaac, and I already knew where to find you.”
    Cara was suddenly choked up. “Information about Isaac? What kind of information?”
    Tom sighed. “About his paternity. She’s desperate to keep you away from Victor. Listen, I’m so sorry.” He turned to Patty. “After I left this morning I met with Alexis and told her I can’t work for her. I already refunded her retainer. As soon as I met you yesterday, I felt horrible about taking this job. But if I hadn’t taken it, I never would’ve met you. You’re the most wonderful, most interesting woman I’ve met since Dianne died. So for that, I’m grateful to Alexis for hiring me. But that’s over. It’s really over. I’m so sorry.”
    Marcy said, “Aw.” Her lips curled downward in a sympathetic pout.
    Cara shot Marcy a mean look, then directed her attention at Tom. “Why should I believe anything you say? How do we know you’re not still spying on me?” She then turned to Patty. “And you! You let a,” she lowered her voice in case Isaac could hear, “strange man sleep over, with my son in the house?”
    “Sweetie…” Patty said.
    “Don’t ‘sweetie’ me,” Cara said. “We all just heard him say he left here this morning. You had a stranger in here, overnight. Not only that, but he was the same man who was hired to spy on me.”
    Patty frowned. “I’m sorry, Cara. We got a little carried away last night, that’s all.”
    Marcy quietly muttered, “Yeah, sounds like it.”

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