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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
myself to think Victor could be happy with someone like me for very long? Maybe it’s good that Alexis came along to try to burst my bubble.
    Still in a daze, Cara finally arrived at home. She parked in the driveway and retrieved her lone suitcase from the trunk to roll it into the house.
    As soon as she opened the front door, she heard Isaac’s sweet voice.
    “Mommy Mommy Mommy!”
    She let go of her suitcase and let her purse drop to the floor to scoop him into her arms the moment he ran to her. “My baby boy.” She sniffled against unexpected tears. No matter what happened, no matter what kind of crazy emotional roller coaster she may go through because of a man in her life, she could always come home to Isaac. She cradled the back of his head, holding him against her chest. “I love you so much.”
    Oblivious to her tears, Isaac immediately began talking in a long string of words, some of which were barely audible. When she placed him down on the floor, he kept going, talking with his hands as if he were acting out the events of the past day that she had missed. There were explosions and other sound effects, all of them making Cara laugh as she cried.
    After a few minutes, Cara took Isaac’s hand and they went to the kitchen where Patty was preparing dinner.
    Patty dropped her potholders on the kitchen counter and gave her daughter a hug. “Hello there.”
    “Hi Mom.” Cara squeezed her tight, dreading the inevitable questions. “I hope Isaac wasn’t too much trouble without me here.”
    Patty let her go and gave her a dismissive wave before picking up her potholders. “He’s never any trouble. He’s my grandson.”
    “Well you’re in an awfully good mood.” Cara looked around the kitchen. The last time she saw some of these ingredients was the night her mom had invited Victor for dinner. “Hmm. We’re having this dinner again, already?”
    “Yes, but this time I made carrot cake.”
    “What’s the occasion? Don’t tell me you invited my boss again.” Cara sighed.
    “What?” Patty stopped what she was doing, giving Cara a wide-eyed stare. “Oh no. You don’t wanna see him after your big trip? That’s not good. You can tell me all about it later…after,” she glanced down at Isaac, who hovered at Cara’s feet, “someone goes to bed.”
    “No, no. It’s not that. It’s a long story. So tell me. Who’s coming over for dinner?”
    Isaac spoke up. “Tom. Fwom the pawk.”
    Patty blushed, devoting her attention to stirring a pot on the stove. “Little one, you are too smart for your own good sometimes.”
    Cara laughed. “Tom, huh? What happened to Stanley?”
    “Oh, nothing.” Patty rolled her eyes. “Stanley was so…three weeks ago.”
    “Wow.” Cara’s eyes and mouth gaped. “I’m shocked. I don’t even know what to say. So, tell me about this Tom. When did you meet him? Is he nice?”
    “We met yesterday. He’s a widower. Retired from the police force. Has some grandchildren.” She giggled. “Likes my cooking.”
    “How many times do I have to tell you. Everyone likes your cooking.”
    “Yes, well, it makes me feel good to cook for a man. Call me old-fashioned. Hey, why don’t you go get unpacked so you can help me with some things. I’m running a little behind.”
    “Sure. Is it okay that I invited Marcy over tonight? Didn’t know we were having company.”
    “That’s fine. I didn’t want her here with your boss because I wanted you to have the spotlight. Tonight’s different.”
    Cara nodded. “Ah. He only has eyes for you.”
    “I think so, yes.”
    Cara smiled and led Isaac out of the kitchen.
    Fifteen minutes later, as dinner was almost ready, the doorbell rang.
    Patty untied her apron and slung it onto the kitchen counter. “I’ll get it.” She fluffed her hair as she ran to the front door.
    Cara gave Patty a minute to greet Tom by herself, then walked out to meet him.
    “Hello.” Cara held out her hand. “I’m Cara, Patty’s daughter.”
    Tom cleared his throat, his eyes averting hers as if he was nervous. “Pleased to meet you. I’m Tom Sutton.”
    Cara gave him a big smile in an effort to make him feel more comfortable. Maybe he’s just nervous about meeting the daughter of a love interest. Holy cow, my mom, a love interest? “So, you and Mom met at the park? Were you there with any of the kids?”
    “Um…no,” he said. “I was just passing through the area. Went to a deli around the corner.”
    Right then, the doorbell rang

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