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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
that Alexis, or anyone hired by Alexis, came within seventy-five yards of the Green family, they would be in violation of the order.
    Alexis lost no sleep over the fact that her former flame had taken legal action against her. She was certain Victor would eventually come to his senses and they could pick up where they left off, leaving all of this ugliness behind them.
    Lindy said, “ Remember that connection I told you about at the hospital? ”
    “She finally got back to me. I have a full copy of little Isaac Green’s file. ”
    “Okay.” Alexis stopped pacing, her heart beating with anticipation. “And there’s something helpful in it?” She had wished all along they could find the boy’s father and possibly give Cara a reason to break up with Victor.
    “I believe so. All of my research so far has told me Cara never knew who the father was. She says she got pregnant from a one night stand in college and never saw the guy again. There’s no father listed on the birth certificate.” She paused for a breath. “ However, there’s a family medical history form here with some info about the father. It says his blood type is B positive and there was a history of diabetes and cancer in his family. ”
    “Really? Interesting…”
    “Yes. So, unless she’s lying on the form, and I doubt she is, it sounds to me like she knows the father. Blood type and family illnesses aren’t something most college kids talk about on a one night stand. ”
    “Does it have his name?”
    “No, they didn’t ask for it. ”
    “And you really think it means something? Maybe she did her own research after she found out she was pregnant.”
    “It’s possible, but from my experience, unless they’re hiding something, single women always want that name on the birth certificate. It helps their chances of getting child support. If she knows the father’s medical history, I bet she knows who he is. She was struggling financially before Victor hired her. Don’t you think she would’ve wanted some help from her baby’s father? To me, this says she’s hiding something. ”
    “What do you think she’s hiding?”
    “ Not sure. She’s ashamed of the father, maybe? Doesn’t want any connection to him. Could’ve been a really bad break up. Want me to track him down? ”
    Alexis gasped. “Do you think you can?”
    “ I’m already on it .”
    * * *
    Two weeks later, Cara sat next to Victor, cuddling up to him on the park bench next to the playground. They both watched Isaac climb to the top of a slide where he stood up and yelled, “Bictow! Watch me, Bictow!”
    “I’m watching!” Victor yelled back at him.
    Isaac quickly slid down to the bottom. When his feet hit the ground, Cara and Victor applauded and cheered, making Isaac smile before he ran off to a swing set where a friend from the neighborhood waited to give him a push.
    “I wish I had that much energy.” Victor chuckled. His arm was draped around her shoulders, his hand rubbing her arm. “So, Patty’s meeting Tom’s family today?”
    She chuckled with a hint of sarcasm. “Yes. It’s their big two week anniversary. He surprised her this morning by asking her to an early dinner. That’s why I lost my babysitter for the afternoon.”
    “So, she’s spending the night at his place?”
    He nodded and kissed the top of her head. “I hope that means I can spend the night at your place, then.”
    “I suppose.” She giggled. “You know, when I asked for the afternoon off, I had no idea you would leave the office and come to the playground with me.”
    Victor sighed. “I know. I have to stop putting work before everything else. Besides, I hadn’t seen Isaac in a few days. I don’t want him to forget who I am.”
    “I wouldn’t worry about that. He talks about you all the time.”
    “Really?” He smiled. “That’s good.” He paused, gentling his voice. “Does that still make you nervous?”
    Cara took a hesitant breath. “Not as much. But yes.”
    He nodded. “I understand. I know it must be hard. My mother was the same way. She always said me and my brothers were the reason she didn’t date. Didn’t want us getting attached.” He grinned as he watched Isaac playing on the swing. “So…uh…you ever think about having more?”
    “Yes.” Victor cleared his throat and added, “More children.”
    Cara was startled by his question. Occasionally, Victor sneaked a question into their casual

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