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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Reeni Austin
Vom Netzwerk:
gritted her teeth. “I can’t believe you two. What does Alexis know about me?”
    Tom’s head shook. “Not much. I had pictures of your son playing in Victor’s car the other night.”
    Cara gasped. “You took pictures of my son?”
    “I’m so sorry,” Tom said. “I was doing a job, that’s all. I’ve destroyed those and everything else associated with the case.”
    “Please calm down, sweetie.” Patty walked over to Cara, gently tugging at her elbow. “Come on, let’s go talk about this alone.”
    Cara pulled away from her. “No. You don’t understand. I was approached by Alexis Whitt in the parking lot after work tonight. And now I know she wants me away from Victor badly enough to hire someone to spy on my family. This is all too much for me right now. I think I just need to take Isaac and go somewhere by ourselves for dinner. Marcy, you can come, too. But this situation,” Cara waved a hand in Tom’s general direction, “is something I can’t deal with right now.”
    Several minutes later, Cara was driving with Marcy in the passenger seat and Isaac in the back in his car seat.
    “I’m sorry, Marcy,” she said. “I can’t believe what happened back there.”
    “It’s okay. I’m a little jealous about how exciting your life is compared to mine.”
    “Ha! I wish mine would calm down. This kind of excitement is a bit much for me right now.” Cara shook her head. “Did I tell you I got an offer to go back to my old job in Chicago last week?”
    “You’re kidding. Why didn’t you tell me?”
    Cara shrugged. “I don’t know. I sorta put it outta my mind, I guess. Didn’t want the temptation to take the job. I’m starting to wonder if I made the wrong decision.”
    “No! You just moved back. Don’t leave me all alone here. Besides, what about Victor?”
    Isaac giggled. “Bictow!”
    Cara looked at him in the rearview mirror. “Yes, Bictow.” She gave Marcy a glance and whispered, “Careful what you say in front of him.” She let out a loud sigh. “I don’t know. Seems like it might be better to get out before it really gets serious. This whole Alexis thing.” Cara gripped her steering wheel like she wanted to shake it out of place. “You know, she told me today that…” She glanced at Isaac again and lowered her voice. “Let’s just say, she claimed there was infidelity on his part.”
    “Well, she sounds insane,” Marcy said. “I wouldn’t put it past her to lie. If she went as far as hiring a private investigator—”
    Cara produced a deep groan. “Don’t remind me. Mom. I can’t believe it.”
    “Cara hon, I know you don’t wanna hear this but…” Marcy paused, considering how to soften what she wanted to say. “I think you may be overreacting about your mom and Tom. He seemed pretty sincere. He could’ve just taken the money and finished the job but he didn’t. He quit.”
    “So he says…”
    “Whatever. I’m sure he could prove it. Listen, how many times has your mom dated since your dad passed? Hmm?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Well, I always kept in touch with her, even when you didn’t live here. Trust me, she doesn’t date.” Marcy smiled. “I think it’s sweet.”
    Cara’s voice was weak. “Yeah, maybe. But did she have to let him…” She glanced at Isaac and quietly said, “spend the night.”
    “Like mother like daughter,” Marcy said.
    Cara’s mouth fell open. She took her hand off the steering wheel and smacked Marcy’s leg. “How dare you throw that up in my face! It’s been years for me.”
    “I repeat. Like mother, like daughter.” Marcy burst into hysterics.
    Cara gave Isaac another look, thankful he had distracted himself by staring out the window. Hopefully he wouldn’t be repeating, “Like mother, like daughter,” for the rest of the night.
    * * *
    “Hold my calls,” Victor said to Gary, then shut his office door to speak to Cara privately. During their brief phone call the night before, she seemed distant. This morning, he cleared his schedule to meet with her to hopefully find out why her mood toward him had changed so much.
    The answer was simple: Alexis.
    Cara was obviously shaken up, and he couldn’t blame her. The person he blamed was himself, for not seeing Alexis for who she truly was all along.
    He took a seat beside Cara and rolled his chair forward until he was close enough to place his hand on hers. “I’m deeply sorry for what happened yesterday. I had no idea she would invade

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