Imdalind 01 - Kiss of Fire
orange papered wall.
“But if he only has a few weeks before his mind is lost…” Wyn began her unfinished thought fading into the steadily darkening room.
“It’s true then, everything he told me in the dream.” My voice was so quiet, my throat burning as I spoke. I looked to Ilyan who raised an eyebrow at my question. In my peripheral vision I could see both Wyn and Ovailia whip around to me in surprise.
“What dream, Joclyn?”
I looked at him skeptically, second guessing myself.
“He came to me… I thought it was a dream…”
“What dream?” Ilyan repeated.
I felt a heavy panic creeping through me, the reality of what was happening hitting me hard.
“When you held me under the water, Ryland was there. I thought it was a dream…” My voice gained in intensity as the panic continued to grow.
“What did he say to you?”
My fear rose, knowing exactly what was going on. I knew why he was twitching, what was happening - because Ryland had told me.
“His father… he is deleting his mind. Edmund’s killing him, isn’t he?” I looked hard at Ilyan, my panic demanding the answers I desperately needed.
“He’s not going to kill him.”
My heart swelled in relief until Ilyan’s tone, his desperation sank in.
“A Vymȁzat is when someone uses their magic destructively on another person. In essence they delete, or partially delete, that person’s mind. They remove all memories and personality. A Vymȁzat creates a shell of a person that can be molded to become what the one who uses the magic wishes them to become. In Ryland’s case, Edmund will not kill him; instead he will delete all of him and turn his body and magic into a weapon.” Ilyan’s voice was so deep it almost didn’t sound like him.
“No! We need to save him.” I went to remove the covers from me, fully intent on running to his aide; but my head swam so uncomfortably, I was sure I wouldn’t be moving anywhere soon.
“I don’t know if that’s possible, Joclyn. There is no known way to reverse it,” Wyn said.
“What else did he say in your dream?” Ilyan asked gently, pulling my attention from the other two.
“Only that…” I paused as I replayed the dream in my head, trying to pick out important pieces of information. I stopped as I recalled him writhing on the ground, my memory vividly showing me the small mark on his back. The mark he had kept hidden from me. My breathing picked up again.
“He had a mark like mine on his back.”
Ilyan only nodded in acknowledgment at me.
“Why did he have a mark?” I said to Ilyan in a panic when it became obvious he knew and wasn’t going to provide me with an explanation.
“Do you remember when I told you that Edmund and his servants have been hunting the Vilỳ, and that it is the Vilỳ that give the bite that gives a kiss?”
I nodded, waiting for him to continue.
“Well, Edmund captured them and siphoned off their poison for years and kept it so that when his next child was born he could create a child with such a large amount of magic that no one could defeat him.”
“Ryland?” It was obvious who he was talking about, my stomach turned in worry or excitement at just saying his name.
“Yes, Ryland. He injected him with the poison when he was two; he didn’t awake from the injection for eighteen months… it’s a miracle he survived.”
“How do you know this?” I asked, trying to ignore the bile climbing its way up my throat.
“It’s doesn’t matter how he knows, little girl.” Ovailia’s voice was ice against my back.
“But you said I was unconscious for…”
“And yours remains the longest natural awakening. Ryland’s mark was forced, and therefore, an unnatural anomaly,” Ilyan cut me off.
“Where were you in this dream?” Ilyan changed the subject as he came to sit next to me on the bed; I shifted away from him a bit, feeling uncomfortable with how close he was.
“I don’t know. It was all white. Ryland said it was some sort of shared consciousness.”
Ilyan smiled almost knowingly at my words, while Ovailia and Wyn gasped in unison.
“A Tȍuha?” Ovailia exclaimed, “How is that possible?”
“What is that?” I asked, “A Tȍuha?”
“It is exactly what Ryland told you it was,” Ilyan commented quietly. “A Tȍuha is a place where your minds can go and be together, no matter how far apart you are in distance. It is normally only reserved for those who have gone through the Zȇlství, which is why it is
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