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Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge

Titel: Immortals After Dark 05 - Dark Needs at Nights Edge Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Kresley Cole
Vom Netzwerk:
deeply, so clearly struggling for command of himself. “If I can get... can get control now”—his head jerked to the side and back—“you’ll forgive me for losing it over the key. Say it!”
    “Yes, if you can do this for us.” Néomi dared to reach up and stroke the backs of her fingers along his jawline. She experienced a jolt of surprise—this was the first time their skin had touched.
    And this vampire, so brutal and violent to others, leaned his handsome face into her touch. She laid her other hand over his thundering heart. “Conrad, je crois en toi. I believe in you. Go to the folly.”
    When he hesitated, she said, “I promise I’ll be right here when you return.”
    He gave her a sharp nod, before vanishing.

    Back to the foggy bayou, stalking his familiar path. His mind was in turmoil.
    Now his body was as well.
    He inhaled, shuddering as cool air continued to flood into his lungs. It felt just as his brother had said it would. Heavy... good.
    Three hundred years he’d gone without this, but now...
    Conrad had been blooded. By the lush little dancer he’d wanted above all other females. God, she’d smelled like fire and wine and woman. Too good to be true. Maybe this was all another dream, more madness.
    He hadn’t wanted to let her out of his sight, dreading she’d disappear, but if he hadn’t left, he would’ve hurt her. The urge to rip away her clothes and plunge into her warm body had been nearly overwhelming.
    She was so delicate—so mortal. He could break her bones with an absent touch.
    And he would rather die than give her pain. He might be fallen and newly blooded. But this was Néomi, the woman he’d coveted for his Bride—and had been given in the flesh.
    Though he burned to know how she’d come to be like this, all he could think about was the unbearable drag of his pants across his engorged cock.
    With each heartbeat, his shaft grew thicker. This had to be truly happening. He grimaced from the pressure, unable to concentrate, to handle these shocking changes within himself.
    It felt like three centuries of lust was building, as if his shaft would explode, it throbbed so hard. Just when he believed the pressure couldn’t possibly build more...
    ... it did.
    He should leave here for good. But could he give this night up? Néomi was actually in their room, waiting to be touched. To be taken.
    She believes I can do this.
    She’d said she wanted more with him. He could finally experience what this would be like. The only obstacle to his claiming her was the threat he posed to her. He had to make sure he didn’t hurt her.
    But then he had to pleasure her as well.
    At least before, his anger and instinct had commanded him. Now he wondered how he could possibly satisfy her. He bit out a curse—he’d never even kissed a woman before.
    She’s waiting for me.
    His eyes briefly widened. She’d told him exactly how to proceed with her, to make her want more, to make her desperate for him.

    As Conrad stalked toward her, she studied his face. He seemed less frenzied. Or maybe he was only disguising it better, turning it inward.
    Once he’d backed her to the wall, he raised his hand. What will he do? She swallowed with apprehension... .
    Yet he only cupped her face. The gesture was gentle, tender. When he grated, “Put your arms around my neck,” she realized what he planned. How hard he was trying for her!
    And this is why I’m falling for you.
    At this exact spot in the room, they’d practiced their kiss, both of them imagining it. It felt so natural when her arms looped around his neck. She’d longed to be able to twine her fingers in the hair at his nape. Now she did with delight.
    “My Néomi,” he rasped, rubbing his thumb over her bottom lip. “So soft.” Her eyelids fluttered. “More than I’d ever imagined.” His hand was shaking.
    He’s never touched a woman before me. All this was new to him. She needed to remember that.
    “For three hundred years my sword hand has been steady. If I’m to be overcome, I’d want it to be by a little dancer.”
    His scent, his heat... God, he smelled so good. “Conrad, I want our kiss. Won’t you brush your lips against mine?”
    “What if I wanted to do something harder?”
    “Think slow build,” she forced herself to say—because he still was barely in control.
    He stared down at her with eyes like fire, then leaned in to give her what she’d yearned for. When he slanted his lips over hers, a shock of heat

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