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In Europe

Titel: In Europe Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Geert Mak
Vom Netzwerk:
moments, incredibly loyal.
    It is therefore only natural that this book be dedicated to her.

    Italics indicate a separate entry
    Adenauer, Konrad (1876–1967): German statesman. As the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany) 1949–63, he presided over its political and economic reconstruction after the
Second World War
    Atatürk , Kemal , ‘father of all Turks’, also known as Mustafa Kemal Pasşa (1881–1938): Founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey 1923–38. Military dictator who imposed far-reaching reforms to make Turkey a modern, secular state.
    Attlee , Clement Richard , 1 st Earl Atlee (1883–1967): British statesman, Prime Minister 1945–51. The Labour Party, led by Atlee, won a landslide victory over
Winston Churchill
's Conservatives immediately after the
Second World War
. His government created the National Health Service in Great Britain.
    Baader-Meinhof Gang , also known as the Red Army Faction: left-wing, West German terrorist group formed in early 1970s and named after two of its leaders, Andreas Baader and Ulrike Meinhof.
    Blackshirts : paramilitary group in Italy who belonged to
's Fascist movement in the 1920s and took their name from the colour of their uniforms. The term was later copied by
Germany, who issued black uniforms to his elite
    Bormann , Martin (1900–45?): prominent party leader in
Germany. As
's private secretary, he gained his trust and was believed to be his closest collaborator. A staunch advocate of the extermination of the Jews.
    Brandt , Willy , born Karl Herbert Frahm (1913–92): German statesman and Chancellor of West Germany 1969–74. Recognised internationally for his policy to improve relations with East Germany and other communist nations. These efforts won him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971.
    Braun , Eva (1912–45): mistress of
Adolf Hitler
for many years. They married while the Battle of Berlin was raging, shortly before taking their own lives.
    Brezhnev , Leonid Ilych (1906–82): Soviet statesman. As General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was, in effect, the leader of the Soviet Union for eighteen years, from 1966–82. Largely responsible for the Russian invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.
    Brownshirts : members of the
), a
militia founded by
in 1921 who wore brown uniforms similar to those of
. Instrumental in
's rise to power, but ceased to play a major political role following the
Night of the Long Knives
in 1934.
    Ceaus ş escu , Nicolae (1918–89): Rumanian statesman and leader of Communist Rumania from 1965 until shortly before his death. In 1974 he was elected the first President of the Socialist Republic of Rumania and ran an increasingly totalitarian and corrupt regime. Executed in December 1989 following a popular uprising.
    Chamberlain , Arthur Neville (1869–1940): British statesman and Prime Minister 1937–40. Pursued a policy of appeasement with
Germany and in 1938 signed the
Munich Agreement
, which granted almost all of
's demands. Forced to abandon this policy following
's invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939.
    Churchill , Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) (1874–1965): British statesman, Prime Minister 1940–5 and 1951–5. Opposed all compromise with
Germany and led the British people through the
Second World War
    Cold War : a period of conflict and rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies from the end of the
Second World War
until the early 1990s.
    Davison, Emily Wilding (1872–1913): entered history as the woman who, in support of female suffrage, threw herself in front of King George V's horse on 4 June, 1913 at the Epsom Derby, dying four days later.
    de Gaulle , Charles (André Joseph Marie) (1890–1970): French general and statesman, head of the provisional government 1944–6, after the liberation of France from German occupation, and President of the Fifth Republic 1959–69. An organiser of the Free French Forces during the
Second World War
and remembered for restoring calm to the country after the student uprisings and strikes of May 1968.
    DDR (
Deutsche Demokratische Republik
,‘German Democratic Republic’): official name for the former East Germany.
    Dreyfus , Alfred (1859–1935): French army officer of Jewish descent, falsely accused of supplying military secrets to

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