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Light in the Shadows

Light in the Shadows

Titel: Light in the Shadows Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: A. Meredith Walters
Vom Netzwerk:
middle of the night again.  So come on,” he ordered, grabbing my hand.
                  “Alright, alright,” I grumbled, not really feeling the need to have a family dinner after what I had just experienced with Clay.  That had made my birthday and I wasn’t sure anything else could top it.
                    We touched and laughed and kissed while we got dressed, reveling in a renewed closeness.  A closeness that was beyond what we had ever had before. 
                    “Thank you so much for making this the best birthday I’ve ever had,” I said, turning to Clay as he parked in front of my house.  We met in a beautiful, soul melting kiss before Clay broke away.
                    “We’d better get in there before your dad skins me alive.” I huffed and puffed but finally got out of the car.  I was so blissed out from the perfect afternoon with Clay that I didn’t notice the excess number of cars on the street. 
                  I walked into the house and dozens of voices called out, “Happy Birthday!”  I blinked in surprise, looking around at my house now full of friends and acquaintances and every single one of them was looking at me.
                  I turned to Clay who was grinning a Cheshire Cat smile and wagged my finger at him, “You are so going to get it for not warning me!” He gave me a gentle shove forward and I was enveloped by the people who loved me.


- C LAY-
    I was being a complete and total coward.  Why hadn’t I just told Maggie my plans for after graduation?  I watched her interact with her party guests; laughing and hugging her friends and family.  The smile on her face, the look of complete happiness was exactly the reason I had chickened out.  I didn’t want to be the reason she lost that look.
                    “So what did you guys get into all afternoon?” Daniel asked and I almost choked on my drink. 
                    “Oh, you know, we went swimming and just hung out, “ I told him vaguely.  Daniel raised his eyebrows and gave me a knowing stare.
                    “I’m sure that was fun , hanging out .  Probably the less I know about you guys hanging out , the better.  Otherwise I’ll have to take out your kneecaps and all.  And I was just starting to kind of like you,” Daniel smirked and I smirked back. 
                    “Yeah, okay,” I agreed, my eyes returning to Maggie as she circulated around her party.  I had been surprised as hell when her parents had called me last week and told me their plans for a surprise party.  They asked for my help in setting things up and it was the first time I had felt as though Mr. and Mrs. Young had come close to accepting me as a part of Maggie’s life.
                    Which is why I had to tell Maggie about what I was going to do.  But I was scared.  I wasn’t sure how she’d react.  But I couldn’t put it off.  But it didn’t have to happen right now.  Right now, Maggie just needed to enjoy herself.  My news could wait.
                    “Are you guys coming to Beach Week with Rachel and me next week?  Maggie hasn’t said,” Daniel asked.  Fuck, I had forgotten about Beach Week.  Maggie had hinted about it, but I hadn’t committed to it, knowing that in actuality I couldn’t . 
                    “I don’t know, man,” was all I said.  Daniel gave me a funny look but didn’t press me about it.  He called out greetings to different people and I felt a little out of place.  It was sad that I had never bothered to get to know many people at Jackson in the time I had been here.  I had been so inwardly focused or obsessed with my relationship with Maggie, that I think I had missed out on some key aspects of growing up.  Like making friends, and going to football games, and all that other shit that came with high school.
                    But then my eyes fell on Maggie again and I couldn’t feel regret for anything.  Because it all brought me here, to her.  And that made up for everything else.
                    “You know, I’m glad we’ve gotten to hang out the past few months.  I feel bad for never really giving you a chance.  I’m sorry if I gave you a hard time.  It’s just when it

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