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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
lot of fantasies involving you and handcuffs, but the dreams never quite went down like this."
    When Kip jerked in shock, Anson realized that he'd said that aloud. Shit! Shit! Shit! What a time for his inner monologue to go on the fritz. Humiliation washed over Anson as he prayed for a hole to appear in the ground so he could do a swan dive down.
    Moving to stand behind Anson, Kip secured the handcuffs. Once both of Anson's hands were trapped, Kip leaned in and whispered, "So, about these fantasies of yours, did they involve both of us getting naked and sweating."
    Anson swallowed hard as he decided to tell the whole truth. It's not like he could possibly get any more embarrassed. "Yes."
    "Interesting. Were they just about me, or do you have dirty thoughts about all the guys you met?"
    "Just you," Anson replied in a shaky voice. "It's always just been you."
    "Even after you started working for Ted?"
    A burst of frustration went through Anson. "Yes, even when I was stupid enough to fall for Ted's lies, I still found myself thinking about you all the time. It's like that with any guy I meet. No matter how hard I try, I end up comparing them to you and they always end up lacking."
    "I thought you were in love with Ted."
    Anson took a deep breath as the truth hit him. Oh God, he really was the most pathetic guy to ever exist. "I never truly cared for him. I just wanted to so I could finally get over you."
    Anson let his shoulders sag as he realized just how much of an idiot he was. Not only had he allowed himself to believe that Ted liked him, despite the fact the jerk had a wife and a mistress, but Anson had ruined his career in the process.
    Kip slowly rubbed Anson's back. "Shhh…It's okay. I've spent the entire time thinking about you, too."
    Anson jerked his head up as shock coursed through his body. "What did you just say?"
    Kip walked back around so they were facing one another. "You heard me."
    Studying Kip's face closely, Anson didn't see anything that would indicate that Kip was lying. His eyes were as serious as ever and his lips pressed tightly together. Almost as if he was steeling himself for a rejection.
    As if Anson would ever do that. Just the opposite. Had they not been in an office full of people, Anson would already be on his knees. He would give Kip something that he would never forget, for sure.
    His lust must have been as evident as a neon sign because Kip said, "Once we get to the safe-house we can spend the entire night catching up."
    So stunned by the turn of events, all Anson could do was dumbly nod. Kip smirked in response before he grabbed Anson's elbow and led him from the break room.
    As they walked out, the remaining employees began to whisper to each other. All except Rose, bless her dark, twisted pit of a heart. Shoving her way closer, the old lady shouted, "This is all your fault! I told Ted that if he hired a queer the whole world would be coming after him."
    Giving her a deliberate once over, Anson retorted, "The only sin here is your wardrobe choices."
    She pursed her lips. "What's wrong with my clothes?"
    "There's a reason why polyester has a bad rap," Anson snarked. "It's ugly, cheap looking and a blight on fashion."
    "I guess somebody like you would know all about clothes."
    Anson rolled his eyes. Where in the hell did she get her ideas about stereotypes? From the sixties?
    "It has nothing to do with me being gay. I just know ugly when I see it and Rose, you are covered in it. On the inside and out."
    Anson would have said more. After holding everything in for so long it felt good to finally let loose. He didn't have a chance since Kip led him outside.
    They didn't speak as they left the building and entered the parking garage. When they approached an older Mustang, Anson couldn't hold back his smile.
    "So, you finally bought your dream car?"
    Kip blinked a few times. "You remember that?"
    "You were always building models of them when we were kids. Till this day, whenever I smell that stinky glue it makes me think of you."
    "Thanks." Kip paused, a frown coming over his face. "I think."
    Opening the passenger door, Kip helped Anson in, even going so far as to help with the seatbelt. If his fingers lingered overlong while buckling it, neither one of them commented on it.
    Anson reveled in that small touch. His cock did a little happy dance as he inhaled the familiar scent of Kip. A crisp clean smell mixed in with a bit of sweetness. It was yet another thing that remained the

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