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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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have strapped that to the hood of his car to show off like all the deer hunters did.
    "So, you are arresting me?" Anson asked, not bothering to hide his confusion. It was better than dissolving into a full blown panic attack.
    "No, but we want Ted to think we are."
    "But, if he already suspects me then how is that going to help?"
    "I'm hoping that it may make him second guess himself. I don't expect it to last, but it may give us time to get to the safe-house."
    Safe-house? Yet another word that Anson never thought would apply to him. Then his brain latched onto another word that Kip used. " Us? "
    Kip smiled, although his gaze remained troubled. "You didn't think I would let you go through this alone, did you? Besides, since it was me you called to turn Ted in, it's only natural that I'm the one saddled with you."
    "Ouch, you don't have to sound so excited about it. How long do you think we'll have to hide?"
    "Who knows. Between the trial and everything, it could be a while."
    That revelation stunned Anson into silence. Or rather it would have had he not been a nervous rambler. "Well, shit. I guess I picked the wrong time to buy a Venus Flytrap. It'll be dead by the time I get back to it."
    "I'd rather the plant die than you."
    "That's easy for you to say, you didn't name the thing."
    Kip gave him that aggravated look again. "You actually named a stupid plant?"
    "Hey, don't diss Neville."
    "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. After all, you were the one who named the fetal pig in biology class."
    Anson smiled at the memory. It had been one of the few classes that he'd actually shared with Kip. The only reason why Anson had been able to take the course his freshman year had been because of his high IQ. He'd been so scared, being the only runt in a room full of seniors, but Kip immediately took Anson under his wing. Even then Anson hadn't been dumb enough to think that Kip had done it because he had any feelings for Anson. Kip had just been protecting his younger brother's best friend.
    "I'm sorry you're going to be stuck babysitting me. You probably have a wife and kids waiting for you at home," Anson said.
    "I don't have a wife or kids. I guess Brian never told you that."
    Bringing up his free hand, Anson began to nibble on a hangnail. "No, he doesn't speak to me anymore."
    "Don't feel bad, he disowned me, too," Kip grunted.
    "I suspect it was the same reason he wrote you off, I'm gay."
    Anson's chest constricted painfully, just the way it always did whenever he thought about Brian. Even though it'd been a couple of years, the emotional wounds still felt raw and fresh.
    Kip reached over and pulled Anson's hand down. "Just for the record, Brian is still gay, too. He can deny it all he wants, but that damn clinic didn't convert him. Sure, they brainwashed him, but deep down he's still the same."
    "I guess we should feel bad for him. His life must be miserable."
    Kip let out a small laugh. "Only you would worry about somebody else, while your own world is crashing down around you."
    "He's my friend. Or at least he used to be."
    "Just give him some time. There's still hope for him yet."
    Anson really didn't believe it, but he kept his yap shut. If Kip wanted to delude himself, who was Anson to deny him that pleasure? It was probably what got Kip through the rejection.
    "How about your parents?" Anson asked.
    "Since they were the ones who paid for Brian to go to the clinic, it's pretty safe to say that they don't approve of the way I live my life."
    The hurt lacing Kip's comment hung in the air like a heavy fog. It made Anson want to hug the man, just so he knew that he wasn't totally alone.
    Yeah, right! Like Kip needed anything that personal from Anson. Sure, they may be talking now, but that was only because Kip had a job to do. For Anson to think it could possibly be anything more was only setting himself up for disappointment.
    "Are you ready to leave?" Kip asked.
    Anson gazed at the window. The office was still packed and front and center was Rose. While her official job title was office administrator, the only work she devoted any real energy to was gossiping. Great, Anson couldn't wait to hear what kind of spin she put on this. She had a habit of stretching the truth until it screamed for mercy.
    "Yeah, let's get this over with," Anson sighed.
    Kip got up and went around the table. He unhooked Anson from the chair before ordering, "Put your hands behind you."
    As Anson obeyed, he grumbled, "I may have had a

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