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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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water to wash it down the drain."
    When they pulled up to a mid-level hotel, Anson frowned. "This is the safe-house?"
    Parking the car, Kip asked, "What's wrong with it?"
    "Nothing, I guess. I just expected a safe-house to be, well… a house."
    Kip smiled then cut off the engine. "Don't worry. We're only going to be here a couple of nights at the most."
    When Kip helped Anson out of the car, but didn't remove the handcuffs, the situation grew more distressing.
    "When are you going to let me out of these things?" he demanded as they went in through one of the back doors.
    "I think maybe it would be a good idea for you to get a real feel for them. That way you'll think twice before some hot guy asks you to do some illegal activities."
    "But, it was only one or two activities and I felt guilty the entire time. Doesn't that count for anything?"
    "No, it doesn't, and those few things were pretty bad."
    "Come on. What's a little number fudging between friends?"
    "The only reason why I'm not dragging you to jail is because of your immunity deal."
    Oh boy, Kip sounded pissed. While it should have scared the crap out of Anson, for some strange reason it turned him on— big time. His body tingled with desire as all his blood shot straight to his cock.
    Licking his lips, Anson said, "But I do have immunity, so you have to let me go."
    Kip spun Anson around and pinned him to the wall. Leaning in until their faces were only inches apart, Kip growled, "You made a deal with the prosecutor, not me. Since you're under my protection now, you won't get out of those cuffs until I'm damn good and ready."
    "Oh, fuck," Anson moaned as he thrust his hips forward.
    Giving an evil grin, Kip moved back, denying Anson the pleasure of rubbing off. When Anson let out a small sound of protest, Kip said, "Don't worry. You'll get everything you want so long as you're patient."
    "But, we both know I've never been good at the whole patience thing," Anson whined.
    "Looks like you're going to have to learn."
    Just as quickly, Kip pulled pack and grabbed Anson's arm again. They rounded the corner and Anson was shocked to see a uniformed cop standing outside a room. He turned and opened the door for them.
    "If you're with me then why do we need him, too?" Anson asked once they were safely inside.
    "Because you're too important of a witness for us to lose," Kip replied in a matter of fact manner.
    Anson tried not to let the comment hurt. Judging by the smirk on Kip's face, Anson hadn't hid his feelings very well.
    "Don't pout," Kip admonished.
    "I'm not," Anson lied.
    Kip slowly backed Anson up to a wall. The cop must have liked Anson in that position or something because they seemed to keep ending up that way. Raising a hand, he brushed the back of his knuckles against Anson's cheek. The simple touch made Anson shudder in desire.
    "Okay, maybe I'm pouting a little bit. I just thought that I was more than just a case for you," Anson admitted.
    Kip feathered a kiss over Anson's lips. "You mean much, much more to me. You always have."
    Anson couldn't have been more shocked had Rose shown up for work wearing a corset and a pair of Iron Fist shoes.
    "What do you mean always ?" he pressed before nervously licking his lips.
    "It means that I've wanted you ever since I can remember."
    "Then why did you leave home as soon as you were eighteen?"
    Anson still remembered the pain he felt that day. How he'd gone to Brian's house, hoping to run into Kip, only to find out that the guy had left, never to return.
    Kip ran the pad of his thumb over Anson's bottom lip. "I left because I knew it wasn't right for me to lust after some fifteen year old kid. Plus, I realized even then what my parents' reaction was going to be when they found out I was gay. Had I stayed, I would have ended up at the same clinic they sent Brian to."
    "It's kind of ironic," Anson mused. "Two of the biggest homophobes in the world end up with two gay sons. If there was a rainbow god he'd be laughing his ass off right now."
    "I feel bad for Brian," Kip murmured. "It must be so hard to be him right now."
    "I know, I've thought the same thing myself many times."
    A part of Anson wanted to go to his former best friend and rescue him. The bad part was, Anson didn't think that Brian wanted to be rescued.
    "We'll just have to stand back and hope that if he needs help he'll know to come to us," Kip said.
    Anson smiled. "You make it sound like we're going to be together for a while. Do you think

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