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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
Vom Netzwerk:
    "You still like peppermints?" Anson asked.
    Straightening up, Kip replied, "Yeah. How did you guess?"
    "You smell like them."
    "I guess it's better than model glue."
    Anson smiled. "Much better."
    Their gazes locked as the tension built up between them. Only it was a good tension. The kind that usually ended with Anson screaming, "Yeah, baby! Fuck me just like that!"
    Kip's eyes grew dark as he let out a growl. "You better stop looking at me like that or else I'm going to fuck you right here."
    "And that would be bad, because…" Anson drawled out playfully.
    "It would blow your cover."
    Anson gave off his best mischievous grin. "I don't know about my cover, but I can think of something I would like you to blow."
    "Not only was that line so bad it actually hurt, but you're supposed to be pretending to be under arrest. Remember?"
    "Right. I'll try better to look contrite. Should I add some tears or something?"
    Kip rolled his eyes. "How about we skip that part? I remember when you played George Washington in elementary school and even after all this time I still remember your lack of acting skills."
    "Hey, don't knock me. I was so dramatic when I gave the Gettysburg address."
    Kip slammed the door, but Anson still heard his muffled response, "That was Lincoln."
    Anson tried to shrug, but the way his cuffed hands were pinned behind his back made it near impossible. Since his mouth wasn't restrained he used that instead, "Don't hate me because I suck at history. I've always been all about math."
    As Kip got into the car, he tossed Anson a wicked grin. "If you really want to suck on something—"
    "Don't even go there. I'm the only one who has the right to use bad pickup lines," Anson interrupted.
    Kip gave Anson's body a slow, heated glance. "Have I ever told you how much math nerds turn me on?"
    Even though Anson was sure there was an unintentional cut-down somewhere in that statement, his body still grew hot with desire. "All math nerds? Do you have something for algorithms and algebra?"
    The insane image of them fucking as Anson whispered mathematical formulas in Kip's ear made Anson let out a short burst of laughter.
    Shaking his head, Kip started the car. "Thank god, it's just you. I don't think my life could handle more than one Anson."
    "Are you trying to tell me that I'm annoying or something?"
    "No, I'm saying that you're one of a kind and I'm damn lucky to know you."
    Even though the compliment sent a thrill of happiness through Anson, he still made himself narrow his eyes. "If that's the case then why don't you be a pal and undo these handcuffs."
    Kip backed out then began to drive through the parking garage. "I can't. You're supposed to be under arrest."
    "But it's uncomfortable and feels awkward," Anson whined, not caring if it made him sound like a brat.
    "So, I guess we can cross them off the list for future sex play?"
    "Don't be too hasty. I'm sure I can get over my discomfort," Anson rushed out.
    "I suspected that was going to be your answer."
    As they drove to wherever in the hell the safe-house was, they mostly made small talk, catching up on the past few years. When Anson heard that Brian had cut Kip off within months of giving Anson the cold shoulder, it didn't come as a surprise.
    "Did he tell you that you were going to spend an eternity in Hell, being Satan's pincushion?" Anson asked.
    Kip pressed his lips together. "He may have mentioned that. He said so much to me that day, it's hard to recall every bit of it."
    Anson smiled. "If you're going to Hell, too, then I don't mind ending up there anymore."
    "You don't?"
    "I heard that they have cabana boys and an open bar. Who wouldn't want to go there? It sounds like one great big party."
    "Only you could joke around at a time like this." Kip shook his head.
    "It's either that or start shrieking like a girl. Trust me, that isn't something you want to see."
    "Yeah, I still have flashbacks of the day you found a spider in our shower."
    Anson shot off a dirty look. "That thing was huge. I still say it was a tarantula."
    "Yeah, because we get those all the time in Michigan."
    Anson had to admit that Kip had a valid point there. He shrugged as much as his awkward position would allow. "Okay fine, maybe it was just a really, really fat regular spider."
    "I guess I can give you that one. Maybe we should have chipped in and got it a lap band surgery?"
    "Nah, I liked the other method we used to put it out of its misery. A well placed boot and then some

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