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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1 Kostenlos Bücher Online Lesen
Autoren: Various
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instincts with men suck. Okay?" I closed my eyes to keep from looking at him. I wasn't totally sure why I'd shared all that information, but he was so easy to talk to. "I wussed out on calling you because, yeah, I'm a wuss and I hate rejection," I mumbled. "Seems to be the way things go for me."
    "The guy who let Dragon run free really did a number on you, didn't he?" Alec caressed my arm, rubbing his thumb in broad circles and making my skin tingle.
    "Maybe." Admitting the truth hurt like hell, especially when Alec sounded like he actually cared. Still cared, if I understood him right. Leon might have been a jackass, but a part of me once loved him. When I found out Leon got married to another man and was living happily in New York City, my cracked spirit shattered. Now that I had Dragon back, the only choice I had was to move on. If Alec wanted to go along for the ride I wanted him there, too. "I'd like to go for a beer, if the offer is still open."
    I opened my eyes and held my breath and prayed he'd say yes.
    "Why don't you meet me here at four? Bring Dragon. Where we're going, they allow dogs." He squeezed my hand. "Deal?"
    "Yes." I allowed myself to breathe. I had a date. Kind of. "I'll be here."
    Alec winked and stood, then poked his head back through the open window. "Oh and you're driving. I've always wanted a truck and the next best thing is to ride in one." He kissed me on the nose. "Later."
    I sat back in my seat and watched him walk into the office. I wasn't sure what else to do with myself. I had a damned woody, a dog slobbering on my lap and neither was related thankfully. Once he disappeared into the building, I stole a glance at the clock on the dash. 3:05. Hell. I'd barely have time go home and back.
    Dragon licked my face and panted on me. I shook my head. "Want to waste forty-five minutes at the dog park?" I smoothed his ears back. "You know I now have to figure out if he likes me for me or if he likes me because of you."
    Dragon harrumphed and sank down beside me.
    "Yeah, I have no idea either."
    I spent the next hour walking the trails at the dog park. The nice part about living out in the middle of farm land is that there are plenty of wide open spaces. The dog park is part of an old corn field. Deep into August, more than a couple of stray corn stalks grow along the gravel path. I grabbed the blanket I kept behind the seat of the truck for emergencies and spread it out beneath one of the trees. Dragon collapsed right away and snored soon after. His chest rose and fell with each breath. I'd almost forgotten how loud he could be when he slept. When we first got him, his snorts and rumbles in his sleep drove me crazy. I swore I'd never sleep a wink. When he was gone I missed the oddly soothing sound.
    I laid beside him and considered my life. Leon wasn't coming back. He had Hector, Draven, or whatever the guy's name was. My sister, Elisa, wouldn't talk to me if I begged. The moment I came out, she slammed the door in my face. "Never darken my door. I don't have a brother." Mom and Dad took her side. "We don't have a son if he's a queer." So much for expecting my family to back me up.
    Did I hate being alone? Yes and no. Alone meant I could come and go as I pleased. It meant I could leave shit out and not have to listen to someone call me out for making a mess. It also meant no one to spoon. No one to eat dinner with. No one to talk to—well, no one besides the dog. I rubbed Dragon's belly.
    "You and me, old boy." As much as I loved my dog, I still wanted someone. Did I sound completely ridiculous?
    Dragon rolled over and mashed his back into my thigh. Good enough. I folded my arms behind my head and resumed staring at the corn stalks waving on the light breeze. My mind wandered to the forbidden. What if Alec wanted more than friendship. I closed my eyes and pictured him beside me.
    "I never thought we'd meet again." Alec climbed onto the tailgate of my truck. I have no idea where he'd come from and didn't care. The breeze ruffled his hair and wafted his cologne around me. I sighed. I wanted to stay in this moment forever.
    "You always made me smile. I'm glad you walked back into my life." His scruff abraded my cheek as he nibbled my earlobe. "I wanted to fuck you for so long."
    He moved from his position beside me and climbed astride my hips. "Then I want you to fuck me."
    I could get into this daydream. I rested my head onto one hand and moved the other to the tent in my pants.
    Alec whipped

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